Thread: Getting parameter

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Getting parameter

    How would i be able to get the position?

    0050F250  |. 6A 40          PUSH 40
    0050F252  |. 68 98975C00    PUSH GunzOld.005C9798                    ;  ASCII "Spawn"
    0050F257  |. 68 8C975C00    PUSH GunzOld.005C978C                    ;  ASCII "Peer.Spawn"
    0050F25C  |. 68 3A270000    PUSH 273A
    0050F261  |. 8BC8           MOV ECX,EAX
    0050F263  |. E8 1804FEFF    CALL GunzOld.004EF680
    0050F268  |. 8BF8           MOV EDI,EAX
    0050F26A  |. EB 02          JMP SHORT GunzOld.0050F26E
    0050F26C  |> 33FF           XOR EDI,EDI
    0050F26E  |> 57             PUSH EDI                                 ; /Arg1
    0050F26F  |. 8BCB           MOV ECX,EBX                              ; |
    0050F271  |. 897424 24      MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+24],ESI            ; |
    0050F275  |. E8 46CCFEFF    CALL GunzOld.004FBEC0                    ; \GunzOld.004FBEC0
    0050F27A  |. 6A 48          PUSH 48
    0050F27C  |. E8 54150900    CALL GunzOld.005A07D5
    0050F281  |. 83C4 04        ADD ESP,4
    0050F284  |. 894424 14      MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+14],EAX
    0050F288  |. 85C0           TEST EAX,EAX
    0050F28A  |. C74424 20 1A03>MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+20],31A
    0050F292  |. 74 10          JE SHORT GunzOld.0050F2A4
    0050F294  |. 68 3CC05C00    PUSH GunzOld.005CC03C                    ;  ASCII "Position"
    0050F299  |. 6A 06          PUSH 6
    0050F29B  |. 8BC8           MOV ECX,EAX
    0050F29D  |. E8 1EEDFDFF    CALL GunzOld.004EDFC0
    0050F2A2  |. EB 02          JMP SHORT GunzOld.0050F2A6
    0050F2A4  |> 33C0           XOR EAX,EAX
    0050F2A6  |> 50             PUSH EAX
    0050F2A7  |. 8BCF           MOV ECX,EDI
    0050F2A9  |. 897424 24      MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+24],ESI
    0050F2AD  |. E8 4E0CFEFF    CALL GunzOld.004EFF00
    0050F2B2  |. 6A 48          PUSH 48
    0050F2B4  |. E8 1C150900    CALL GunzOld.005A07D5
    0050F2B9  |. 83C4 04        ADD ESP,4
    0050F2BC  |. 894424 14      MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+14],EAX
    0050F2C0  |. 85C0           TEST EAX,EAX
    0050F2C2  |. C74424 20 1B03>MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+20],31B
    0050F2CA  |. 74 10          JE SHORT GunzOld.0050F2DC
    0050F2CC  |. 68 30C05C00    PUSH GunzOld.005CC030                    ;  ASCII "Direction"
    Last edited by Salem; 09-08-2007 at 09:12 AM. Reason: Obviously better to use code tags

  2. #2
    Officially An Architect brewbuck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Portland, OR
    This looks like the output of a disassembler...

    The reference to "Position" is as an ASCII string. So this code may in fact have nothing to do with the actual value of the Position, whatever that is.

    Looks like a function call to "GunzOld.004EDFC0" with parameters (6, "Position"). Maybe this is a status-printing function, or logging function, or some such.

    And what does this have to do with C++?

  3. #3
    Deathray Engineer MacGyver's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    He's supposedly writing an anticheat for a game called Gunz.exe. I am suspicious of people that are supposed to be anticheat authors that don't know what they are doing.

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Scranton, Pa
    Check out treshacks

    If you truly want to see how it's done, and done successfully, download the atx_mod. Source code (assembly) and basic tut. Granted, there isn't many Trespasser fans around these days, though you can apply similar principles to other game executables.

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