Hello i am having problems transforming program from char - int

// program that transforms charicters in to integer
#include <iostream.h>
#include <cstring.h>

using namespace std;

int main() {

char string[256];
int a[3];
int b[3];

cout << "input  - x345 j5678 k345 ";

//i know that my input lines will be always the same,
//only the numbers will be cahnging.

cin.getline << string;

cout << "your line:  " << string << endl;

//i know thet in filds 1,2,3 of string there are numbers
//how can i make this numbers to go to integer a so that i culd
//use mathematical operations on tham?

cout <<" &string[1] " << &string[1] <<endl;

//this inputs the pointer to string[1] and it displays lines from 1 - last

a = &string[1];

cout <<" a =  " << a <<endl;

//i used this  function couse a can only have 3 numbers
// so in theory it shuld haven numbers 345
//instead it writes 54 or something

b = string[1];

//if i use this line it displays an error
//you can not transform char in to int

//how can i fiks the program, so that i culd read numbers as integers?