Hi, i'm new to c++(got experience with C sharp and java) and i've found myself quite confused with the syntax setting up classes.
I've been trying to port a Vector class that I wrote for a pool game I developed using Processing, however I don't know whether or not I'm on the right track with tracking down the syntax differences.

I've been trying to work it out from the compiler error messages (probably not the best way) but my utter noobish-ness is causing me much frustration, so I was wondering if someone could have a look at what I've got so far and steer me in the right direction.

class Vector
  float *x;
  float *y;

 Vector(const Vector &v);
 Vector(float &vX,float &vY);
 float vectorLength(const Vector &v);
 Vector vectorNormal(const Vector &v);
 Vector AddVect(const Vector &v1,const Vector &v2);
 Vector SubVect(const Vector &v1,const Vector &v2);
 Vector ScaleIncrease(const Vector &v, int s);
 Vector ScaleDecrease( const Vector &v, int s);
 float DotProduct(const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2 );

//2 constructors
 Vector::Vector(const Vector &v)

 Vector::Vector(float &vX,float& vY)

//get vector length
 float Vector::vectorLength(const Vector &v)
    float vX=(*v.x)*(*v.y);
    float vY=(*v.y)*(*v.y);
    return(sqrt(vX+ vY));

//get vector normal
 Vector Vector::vectorNormal(const Vector &v)
  float temp = 1/vectorLength(v);
  *v.x *= temp;
  *v.y *= temp;
  return( v );

//return sum of 2 vectors
Vector Vector::AddVect(const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2 )
  Vector v=new Vector(0,0);
  v.x = *v1.x + *v2.x;
  v.y = *v1.y + *v2.y;
  return( v );
//subtract 2 vectors
Vector Vector::SubVect(const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2 )
  Vector *v=new Vector(0,0);
  *v->x = v1.x - v2.x;
  *v->y = v1.y - v2.y;
  return( v );

Vector Vector::ScaleIncrease(const Vector &v, int s )
  v.x *= s;
  v.y *= s;
  return( v );

Vector Vector::ScaleDecrease(const Vector &v, int s)
  v.x /= s;
  v.y /= s;
  return( v );

float Vector::DotProduct(const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2 )
  return((v1.x*v2.x) + (v1.y*v2.y));
If anyone could help I'd be most grateful!