My problem here is trying to test a substr of a string. when compiling I get the following errors

c:\work\programming\nettest\nt.h(40) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'path'
c:\work\programming\nettest\nt.h(40) : error C2501: 'string' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
c:\work\programming\nettest\nt.h(40) : error C2501: 'path' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
c:\work\programming\nettest\nt.cpp(47) : error C2679: binary '=' : no operator defined which takes a right-hand operand of type 'class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >' (or there is no acceptable conv
c:\work\programming\nettest\nt.cpp(61) : error C2039: 'path' : is not a member of 'netData'
c:\work\programming\nettest\nt.h(34) : see declaration of 'netData'
c:\work\programming\nettest\nt.cpp(84) : error C2440: 'return' : cannot convert from 'struct netData *' to 'struct netData'
No constructor could take the source type, or constructor overload resolution was ambiguous
c:\work\programming\nettest\nt.cpp(91) : error C2679: binary '=' : no operator defined which takes a right-hand operand of type 'struct netData' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
Error executing cl.exe.

Can anyone tell me whats wrong with the following line

if ( line.substr(index+6,1) == '1')

I've tried assigning the substr to a tmp string, then a char, casting it to a char. all have failed.


Additionally the line while(!netcsv.eof()) statemant causes an error. This has worked in a previous program with one major difference.

In the working program the code <ifstream netcsv(filename)> where filename was defined as an array of char. In this program it is defined as a string.


Thanks in advance for any help with these issues, most of the code is shown below.
I should point out that netData and the string header are defined in nt.h

#include <c:\work\programming\nettest\nt.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
//#include <string>
#include <sstream>

using namespace std;

netData readNetcsv()
	int index, startTime, timeStep, endTime, tmp;
	char answer, temp;
	string line, tstore, filename, path;
	bool marker = false, again = true;
	netData *lMember, *start_ptr, *end_ptr;							//create object

	start_ptr = end_ptr = NULL;								//init pointer to list
		cout << "Enter file path : " << endl;						//get path details
		cout << "(eg c:\\dir1\\dir2\\ " << endl;
		cin >> path;
		filename = path + "net.csv";							//build full filename
		ifstream netcsv(filename.c_str());						//& open
		if (netcsv)													//process file
			cout << filename << " opened successfully " << endl;
			istringstream strin (tstore);						//object constructor for int string ops
				getline (netcsv, line);
				if ((line[0] == 'T') && (line[1] == 'I'))			//wait until colomn headers found
					marker = true;
					getline (netcsv, line);
				if (marker == true)						//start saving data
					lMember = new netData;					//create new record
					index = line.find(",",1);				//find first comma in line
					tstore = line.substr(0,index);				//get time field
					strin >> lMember->time;					//save as integer variable
					tstore = line.substr(index+1,4);			//probability now
					strin >> tmp;
					//or lMember->probability = strtod(tstore.c_str(), NULL);
					lMember->prob = (int)(tmp*100 + 0.5f);			//convert to threshold value
					if ( line.substr(index+6,1) == '1')			//alarm field
						lMember->alarm = true;	
						lMember->alarm = false;
					lMember->nxt = NULL;
					if (start_ptr == NULL)					//manage pointers					
						start_ptr = lMember;				//first member in list
						start_ptr->path = path;				//file path details
						end_ptr = start_ptr;
						startTime = lMember->time;			//hold first time point
						end_ptr->nxt = lMember;				//set pointer for previous record
						end_ptr = lMember;				//point to new end of list
						if (timeStep == 0) timeStep = lMember->time - startTime;
			endTime = lMember->time;						//hold last time point
			again = false;								//another loop not required
		{															//file doesn't exist
			cout << "File not found. " << endl;
			cout << "Enter new path y/n (y) : " << endl;
			cin >> answer;
			if (answer == 'n') again = false;					//allow prog to fail
	return (start_ptr);