I'm having some problems defining a structure, can anyone help

this bit is in the header file

#include <string>

struct netData{
	unsigned short int time;
	unsigned short int dTime;
	string path;
	float prob;
	float conc;
	bool alarm;
	netData *nxt;
for some reason the compiler doesn't like me putting a string declaration into a struct. these are the errors generated.

c:\work\programming\nettest\nt.h(40) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'path'
c:\work\programming\nettest\nt.h(40) : error C2501: 'string' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
c:\work\programming\nettest\nt.h(40) : error C2501: 'path' : missing storage-class or type specifiers