Thread: Help my c++ program

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    Help my c++ program


    I already finished my program, but i cannot print out the result on the screen, and i think there have a few logical problems.

    Here is the instruction:

    Write a program to read a maze from a text file into your array, print the unsolved maze, solve the maze, and then print the solution. You may assume the maze will fit in a 24-row by 80-column array. The maze will be in a file with the number of rows and columns on the first line, followed by the lines defining the maze, with '*' representing a wall and ' ' (space) representing a corridor. For example, here is a small (8-by-12) maze (on my web site as maze8-12.txt):

    8 12
    * * *
    * ****** *
    ***** *
    * ******
    *** *** *
    * ** *

    You may assume that the maze will always have a solution. The program is easily generalized to show if there is no solution, but this is not required for this assignment. For an n-by-m maze held in a char array a[n][m], the starting point (at the top left) is a[0][0], and the ending point (at the bottom right) is at a[n-1][m-1]. When you print the solved maze, show the path through the maze by marking all points in the solution set with '#'. For example, here is the same maze printed showing the solution:

    * ###******
    * #####**#*

    Notice, moves down "blind alleys" are left off the solution. I will discuss the algorithm for this in class, and you must use the recursive backtracking algorithm I give you for this program. This is not a large program- about two pages of code.
    8 12
    * * *
    * ****** *
    ***** *
    * ******
    *** *** *
    * ** *
    Here is my code:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    char map[24][80];
    bool nnew[24][80];
    int n, m;
    // print maze solution
    void print()
      cout << endl << "Solution = " << endl;
      int i, j;
      for (i = 0; i < n; ++i, cout << endl)
        for (j = 0; j < m; ++j)
          cout << map[i][j];
    void dfs(int i, int j)
      // range coordinates check
      if (!(i >= 0 && i < n && j >= 0 && j < m))
      // do not processing walls and earlier marked cells
      if (map[i][j] == '*' || nnew[i][j])
      // memorize char of the map
      char ch = map[i][j];
      // put in this cell segment of our future path
      map[i][j] = '#';
      // marked cell, we only moved to the unmarked positions
      nnew[i][j] = 1;
      // yes!
      if (i == n - 1 && j == m - 1)
      // process all 4 directions
      dfs(i - 1, j);
      dfs(i, j + 1);
      dfs(i + 1, j);
      dfs(i, j - 1);
      // restore map
      map[i][j] = ch;
      nnew[i][j] = 0;
    int main()
    	ifstream cin("c:\maze8-12.txt");
      cin >> n >> m;
      int i, j;
      string str;
      // ignore \n symbol
      for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        // read string describing new row of the map
        getline(cin, str);
        for (j = 0; j < m; ++j)
          // construct current cell of the map 
          map[i][j] = str[j];
        cout << str << endl;
      // recursive search from upper-left corner
      dfs(0, 0);
      return 0;
    Last edited by cal_cyrus; 05-21-2007 at 01:27 PM.

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