You need to implement a class ListDL as a circular doubly
linked list with a sentinel node.

A private encapsulated class for the nodes of the doubly linked list is provided.
class ListNode

ListNodeptr prev_;
ListNodeptr next_;
T* data_;
ListDL<T>* container_;

class ListDL

ListNode* head;
int size_;

I already create some method, but when i rebuild and run the auto marking program, it stopped after passing the first test( for the size() and isEmpty() ), it did not go through the addFirst( ) test. I am damn sick because of this. Please help me out, thanks all.

//Default constructor
        // Add your code here 
        head = new ListNode;
        head->prev_ = head;
        head->next_ = head;
        head->data_ = NULL;
        head->container_ = this;
        size_ = 0;         

     * A virtual destructor.
     * In the destructor you should delete each node in the list.
    virtual ~ListDL(){
        // add your code here
        ListNode* tmp;
        ListNode* traverse = head->next_;
        while (traverse != NULL)
            tmp = traverse;
            traverse = traverse->next_;
            delete tmp;
      size_ = 0;

     * The copy constructory.
     * In the copy constructor you need to create an empty ListDL object, and then
     * add the data from the rhs list to this list.
     * @param rhs an existing ListDL object.
    ListDL(const ListDL<T>& rhs){
        // Add your code here
        ListNode* p = rhs.head;
        ListNode* v = new ListNode(p->prev,p->next,p->data,p->container);
        size_ = rhs.size_;

     * The assignment operator for ListDL.
     * In the assignment operator you should:
     * <ol>
     * <li> Check that you are not doing self assignment (just return <b><tt>*this</tt></b> if you are).</li>
     * <li> Delete the data nodes of the <b><tt>*this</tt></b> list (but not the header node).</li>
     * <li> Create and add new data nodes to the <b>this</b> list with the same data as in rhs list.</li>
     * <li> ensure the size is set correctly.</li>
     * <li> return the <b><tt>*this</tt></b> object.
     * </ol>
     * @param rhs an existing ListDL object.
     * @return a reference to the assigned ListDL object.
    ListDL<T>& operator=(const ListDL<T>& rhs){
    	if (this != &rhs){
            // add your code here
            ListNode* tmp;
            ListNode* traverse = head->next_;
            while (traverse != NULL)
              tmp = traverse;
              traverse = traverse->next_;
              delete tmp;
            size_ = rhs.size_;
            ListNode* p = rhs.head;
            ListNode* v = new ListNode(p->prev,p->next,p->data,p->container);
    	return *this;

     * A method to safely cast a Position pointer object to a ListNode pointer object.
     * <p>You will find it useful to write a method validate
     * to cast a Position pointer object to a ListNode pointer object,
     * to check its validity, and to return the ListNode pointer object.
     * This checking should be done inside a try block, casting a
     * PositionInvalidException if an exception is thrown or an error found.
     * If the cast to a ListNode* object is successful, the ListNode* object
     * is valid if:
     * <ol>
     * <li> It is not null</li>
     * <li> The container_ field for the ListNode object is equal to this.</li>
     * </ol>
     * In methods that are passed a Position pointer object, you should use
     * this method to get the corresponding ListNode pointer object.
     * @param pos a Position pointer object to validate
     * @return the corresponding listNode* object.
     * @throw PositionInvalidException if the Position object is not valid for this list.
    ListNode* validate(const Position<T>* pos) const throw(PositionInvalidException){
        // replace this code with your own
         if (pos.head == NULL)
             throw PositionInvalidException("position");
             return pos.head;

     * Add a new Object at the front of the List,
     * returning the Position of the new element in the List.
     * Hint: A <tt>ListNode*</tt> object is a <tt>Position&lt;T&gt;*</tt> object, so you 
     * only need return the pointer to the <tt>ListNode</tt> object that you
     * created and added to the list.  You don't need to cast this object
     * to a <tt>Position&lt;T&gt;*</tt> object.
     * @param e the object to add to the list.
     * @return the Position in the List of the new element.
    virtual Position<T>* addFirst(const T& e){
        // replace this code with your own         
           ListNode* newNode = new ListNode;
           newNode->prev_ = head;  newNode->next_ = head->next_;
           newNode->prev_->next_ = newNode;
           newNode->next_->prev_ = newNode;
           return newNode;

     * Returns the number of objects in the list.
     * @return integer count of the number of objects in the List.
    virtual int size() const { 
        // add your code here
        return size_;

     *  Test if the List is empty.
     *  @return true if the List is empty, false otherwise.
    virtual bool isEmpty() const { 
        // add your code here 
        if (size_ == 0)
           return true;
           return false;