I'm working on a program, and what I'm trying to do is have the TempVec assigned to a multidimensional vector, but that's where I get stuck.

Basically, the TempVec is read in from a line from a .txt file. All the spaces are removed, and then each line from the .txt file is supposed to be added to a row of the multidem vector.

There's a header file and a driver file, but those don't matter.


	ifstream InStream;

	InStream.open( FileName.c_str(), ios::in );

	int pos = 0;
    string str, word;


		getline(InStream, str);
		string::size_type pos = str.find(" ");
		string::size_type pos2 = 0;

		while (pos != string::npos) 
			word = str.substr(pos2, pos - pos2);
			if(word != "")
			cout << word << " ";
		  	pos2 = pos + 1;
			pos = str.find(" ", pos2);			 
			//pos2 = str.find_first_of("\n", pos2 + 1);
		cout << str.substr(pos2, str.size()-pos2) << endl;
		cerr << "Unable to read from " << FileName << endl;
Thanks for your input; I have not been able to think up a solution.