Hello all. My question is that I have two arrays (one a string with names, another an int with scores) that read from a file, sort, swap, and output the arrays to cout. Now that works all fine and dandy if i cout it. Now my question is that im using it for a game in which im using curses, so im playing the actual game in curses. Is there anyway to output those arrays to the curses window? If not is it possible that after the game is over, i could make the program open a window and display them there? Basically im looking for anyway I can output these two arrays in a window. Heres my code for the cout part that works fine. Thanks for any help!

void printArray(string names[SIZE], int scores[SIZE], int len){
	for(int i=0;i<len;i++){
		cout << names[i] << " " << scores[i] << endl;