i am creating a graph from a file and i am getting 2 errors saying that i dont have a copy constructor in struct Edge and struct Vertex but i clearly do. it came up when i was doing my io function at the very bottom

the specific error's state:

error C2558: struct 'Edge' : no copy constructor available
see reference to function template instantiation 'void __cdecl std::_Construct(struct Edge *,const struct Edge &)' being compiled

error C2558: struct 'Vertex' : no copy constructor available
see reference to function template instantiation 'void __cdecl std::_Construct(struct Vertex *,const struct Vertex &)' being compiled

like i said i clearly have a copy constructor, i highlighted the copy constructor's in red along with my io function i was working on

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h>

using namespace std;

//#define MAX 100

//template <class V, class W> // V is the vertex class; W is edge weight class
struct Edge {
	string name;               // Vertex name
  int weight;				 // Edge weight
  Edge *pNextEdg;
	~Edge() {};
	Edge (Edge& edg);

	Edge& operator< (Edge& edg);
	Edge& operator> (Edge& edg);
	bool operator== (Edge& edg);
	Edge& operator= (Edge& edg);


//typedef edgeRep<string,int> Edge; // simplifies type-name

//template <class V, class W>
	weight = 0;

//template <class V, class W>
Edge::Edge(Edge& edg)
	name = edg.name;
	weight = edg.weight;

//template <class V, class W>
Edge& Edge::operator< (Edge& edg)
	this->name < edg.name;
	this->weight < edg.weight;
	return *this;

//template <class V, class W>
Edge& Edge::operator> (Edge& edg)
	this->name > edg.name;
	this->weight > edg.weight;
	return *this;

//template <class V, class W>
Edge& Edge::operator= (Edge& edg)
	name = edg.name;
	weight = edg.weight;
	return *this;

//template <class V, class W>
bool Edge::operator== (Edge& edg)
	return (this->name == edg.name && this->weight == edg.weight);


//template <class V, class W>
struct Vertex {         // Array cell structure for graph 
  string name;               // Vertex name
  int visited;          // Used during traversal, Breadth-First or Depth-First
  list<Edge> edgelist;  // Pointer to edge list
  Vertex *pNextVert;
  Vertex (Vertex& vert);
  int inDegree;
  int outDegree;
  Edge *edgPtr;


//template <class V, class W>

	visited = 0;

//template <class V, class W>

//template <class V, class W>
Vertex/*<V,W>*/::Vertex(Vertex& vert)
	name = vert.name;
	visited = 0;

//typedef vertex<string,int> Vertex ;


//template <class V, class W>
class Graph {
	  list<Vertex> g; // Main graph array for adjacency list representation
	  Vertex *first;
	  int count;
	string inFileName;
	ifstream inFile;
    //. . .  protected member functions

    Graph();   // Constructor
    // . . . other constructors
    ~Graph();  // Destructor

	void FVert();
    int isVertex(string &v);  // Tests whether v is a vertex in the graph
    //list<Vertex>::iterator isVertex(string &v);  // Tests whether v is a vertex in the graph
    int isUniEdge(string &v1, string &v2); // Tests whether edge <v1,v2> in graph
    int isBiDirEdge(string &v1, string &v2);// Tests whether edge (v1,v2) in graph
    	  // The following functions return -1 for failure, non-neg for success
    int AddVertex(string &v);
	  // Adds vertex with name v to the graph, if v is not already in 
	  // graph, and returns the index where the vertex is stored.
    int DeleteVertex(string &v);
	  // Deletes vertex with name v from the graph, if v is in the graph.
	  // If there are any edges incident on the vertex, these edges
  // are deleted also.
    int AddUniEdge(string &v1, string &v2, int &wt);
	  // Adds the directed edge <v1,v2,wt> to the graph; adds the vertices
  // to the graph if the vertices are not already part of the graph
    int DeleteUniEdge(string &v1, string &v2);
	  // Deletes the directed edge <v1,v2> (any weight) from the graph, if 
	  // it is in the graph. The vertices are not deleted from the graph,
	  // only the edge.
    int AddBiDirEdge(string &v1, string &v2, int &wt);
	  // Adds the bi-directional edge (v1,v2,wt) to the graph; adds the
  // vertices to the graph if the vertices are not already part of 
  // the graph
    int DeleteBiDirEdge(string &v1, string &v2);
	  // Deletes the bi-directional edge (v1,v2) (any weight) from the 
	  // graph, if it is in the graph. The vertices are not deleted from 
	  // the graph, only the edge.
    void SimplePrintGraph();
	  // Prints the list of vertices in the graph, and for each vertex,
	  // prints the list of edges in proper parenthesized notation, namely
	  // (v1,v2,wt) or <v1,v2,wt>.  NOTE: This is not a traversal.
	void DFT();
    void DFTraversal(string &v);
        // DepthFirstTraversal: Performs a recursive Depth First Traversal of
        // the graph starting at the specified vertex (parameter); prints trace
        // information:  This traversal requires a stack.
    void GetGraph();
//Retrieves a graph from a special disk file and sets up the adjacency
//list for the graph.  I am supplying 3 such files.

/*    void ShortestPaths(V &v); (for Project 3)
	  // Determines the shortest paths to all other vertices from the
        // specified vertex.
        // Must be implemented using Ford's algorithm and a 'DeQ' ADT for
        // processing the vertices.  Trace information must be displayed,  
        // i.e. the DeQ after each iteration. 
        // When done,  display the distances and the previous vertex for each
        // vertex in the graph.*/

	//VertNum = 0;



void Graph::FVert()
	string SearchVert;
	cout << "What city would you like to find? " << endl;
	cin >> SearchVert;

int Graph::isVertex(string &v)
	//Vertex *walker;
	Vertex *ptr;

		cout << "There is no Graph" << endl;
		return -2;
	ptr = first;
	while(!ptr && (v > ptr->name))
		ptr = ptr->pNextVert;
	if(v == ptr->name)
		cout << "City found" << endl;
		return 1;
		cout << "City not found" << endl;
		return -2;

int Graph::isUniEdge(string &v1,string &v2)
	return -1;

int Graph::isBiDirEdge(string &v1, string &v2)
	return -1;

int Graph::AddVertex(string &v)
	Vertex  *ptr;
	Vertex  *locPtr;
	Vertex  *predPtr;
	ptr = new Vertex;
	ptr->name = v;
		ptr->pNextVert = NULL;
		ptr->name = v;
		ptr->inDegree = 0;
		ptr->outDegree = 0;
		return -1;

	locPtr = first;
		first = ptr;
		predPtr = NULL;
		while(locPtr && v < locPtr->name) //????????????
			predPtr = locPtr;
			locPtr = locPtr->pNextVert;
			first = ptr;
			predPtr->pNextVert = ptr;
		ptr->pNextVert = locPtr;
	return 1;

int Graph::DeleteVertex(string &v)
	Vertex  *ptr;
	Vertex  *walker;
		cout << "There is no Graph" << endl;
		return -2;

	ptr = NULL;
	walker = first;
	while(walker && v != walker->name) //?????????
		ptr = walker;
		walker = walker->pNextVert;
	if(!walker || v != walker->name)
		return -2;
	if((walker->inDegree > 0) || (walker->outDegree > 0))
		return -1;
		first = walker->pNextVert;
		ptr->pNextVert = walker->pNextVert;
	delete walker;
	return 1;

int Graph::AddUniEdge(string &v1, string &v2, int &wt)
	Edge *ptr;
	Edge *walker;
	Edge *edgeptr;

	Vertex *v1ptr;
	Vertex *v2ptr;

	ptr = new Edge;
		cout << "error" << endl;
		return -1;
/********************find v1*****************************/ 
	v1ptr = first;
	while(v1ptr && (v1 > v1ptr->name))
		v1ptr = v1ptr->pNextVert;
	if(!v1ptr || v1 != v1ptr->name)
		cout << "key not found" << endl;
		return -2;
/***********************find v2****************************/
	v2ptr = first;
	while(v2ptr && (v2 > v2ptr->name))
		v2ptr = v2ptr->pNextVert;
	if(!v2ptr || v2 != v2ptr->name)
		cout << "key not found" << endl;
		return -3;
		v1ptr->edgPtr = ptr;
		ptr->pNextEdg = NULL;
		return 1;
	edgeptr = NULL;
	walker = v1ptr->edgPtr;
	while(walker && v2 >= v2ptr->name)
		edgeptr = walker;
		walker = walker->pNextEdg;
		v1ptr->edgPtr = ptr;
		edgeptr->pNextEdg = ptr;
	ptr->pNextEdg = walker;
	return 1;

int Graph::DeleteUniEdge(string &v1, string &v2)
	Vertex *v1ptr;
	Vertex *v2ptr;
	Edge *edgeptr;
	Edge *walker;

		cout << "no graph" << endl;
		return -2;
	v1ptr = first;
	while (v1ptr && v1 > v1ptr->name)
		v1ptr = v1ptr->pNextVert;
	if(!v1ptr || v1 != v1ptr->name)
		cout << "error" << endl;
		return -2;
		return -3;
	edgeptr = NULL;
	walker = v1ptr->edgPtr;
	while(walker && v2 > walker->name)
		edgeptr = walker;
		walker = walker->pNextEdg;
	if(!walker || v2 != walker->name)
		return -3;

	return -1;

int Graph::AddBiDirEdge(string &v1, string &v2, int &wt) 
	return -1;

int Graph::DeleteBiDirEdge(string &v1, string &v2)
	return -1;

void Graph::SimplePrintGraph()

void Graph::DFT()
	string start;
	cout << "Enter Starting Point" << endl;
	cin >> start;


void Graph::DFTraversal(string &v)
	Vertex  *walker;

		cout << "No Graph" << endl;
	walker = first;
		walker->visited = 0;
		walker = walker->pNextVert;
	walker = first;
		if(walker->visited < 2)
			if(walker->visited < 1)

//template <class V, class W>
void Graph::GetGraph()
	Edge edge;
	Vertex V;
	string vName;

	cout << "Enter the the file location" << endl;
	cin >> inFileName;
	if (!inFile.is_open())  //test for file
		cerr << "Cannot open file: " << inFileName << endl;
	while(!inFile.eof()) //loop through untill end of file
	{ //cout << "hi" << endl;
		inFile >> V.name;

		// Loop until # is inFiled - the next inFile will either be another V or eof
	}// end obtain info 
	//cout << "hi" << endl;

	// Reopen file - load edges
	if (!inFile.is_open())  //test for file
		cerr << "Cannot open file: " << inFileName << endl;
		inFile >> vName;
		// Find matching Vertex V

		// Find the ptr to Vert
		// Loop thru edge-list
			inFile >> edge.name;
			inFile >> edge.weight;


	inFile.close();//close infile

void main()
	Graph g;