Hey guys I have yet another project. This ones focus is to get comfortable using queues. My problem is how should i store the rider data into the queue, such as should i use get() or what, also what type of queue would it be..string, or int...Can I put all 3 parts of the rider day in the same spot in the queue and if so how would i access each one independently? Here is what the project entails.

Geek Faire is an amusement park that caters to technologically-oriented
individuals. To ride one particular ride, The Touring Machine, customers
arrive with a fixed number of tickets and are placed at the end of the
line. Upon reaching the front of the line they pay and enter the
ride. Only one person can ride at a time, and a single ride costs one
ticket. The customer at the front of the line rides and completes the
ride one time unit later. New customers may arrive during this time unit.
A customer who just completed a ride and has more tickets is placed at
the end of the line after the new customers. Upon running out of tickets
the customer exits the ride. Your program will calculate the time unit
during which each customer exits the ride.


Input will come from a file called "riders.dat". This file will contain
one or more lines of the form


N, E and T are separated by a single blank space. N is the last name of
the rider, T is the number of tickets they have and E is the time unit
during which they enter the line. N is an alphabetic string with no
embedded whitespace, E is a non-negative integer and T will be an integer
greater than 0. Riders are guaranteed to be ordered by entry time in the
input file. The end of input is indicated by a line containing "END 0 0".


Output will be written to a file called "riders.out". Each line of
output will indicate the time the customer exits the ride. Lines will
be of the form


where N is the last name of the rider and E is the time unit during
which they exit the ride. N and E are separated by a single blank


Hopper 2 1
Torvalds 3 10
Jobs 8 4
Gates 100 100
END 0 0


Hopper 3
Jobs 16
Torvalds 17
Gates 200