I have a Graph.h file....

#ifndef GRAPH_H_
#define GRAPH_H_

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include "GraphStuff.h"

struct Vertex;

class Graph
    Graph( ) { }
    ~Graph( );
    void addEdge( const std::string & sourceName, const std::string & destName, double cost );
    void printPath( const std::string & destName ) const;
    void unweighted( const std::string & startName );
    void dijkstra( const std::string & startName );
    void addVertex (const string & startName);
    Vertex * getVertex( const std::string & vertexName );
    void printPath( const Vertex & dest ) const;
    void clearAll( );

    typedef map<std::string,Vertex *,less<std::string> > vmap;

      // Copy semantics are disabled; these make no sense.
    Graph( const Graph & rhs ) { }
    const Graph & operator= ( const Graph & rhs )
      { return *this; }

    vmap vertexMap;

#endif /*GRAPH_H_*/
and a Movie.h file....
#ifndef MOVIE_H_
#define MOVIE_H_

#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "ActorDB.h"
#include "Graph.h"
#include "GraphStuff.h"

class Actor;

 * A class that represents a Movie.  These objects contain the movie 
 * title, the year the movie was released, and a cast list.
class Movie
	 * Build a new movie.  
	 * @param t The title of the movie
	 * @param y The year string for this movie
	 * @param a A pointer to the ActorDB object.  The movie stores actor tags 
	 * taken from this object.
	Movie(const std::string& t, const std::string& y, ActorDB* a = 0);
	/// return the title of the movie
	std::string title() const;
	/// returns the year in which the movie was made.
	std::string year() const;

	 * Add an actor to the movie's cast list.  Takes a tag from the actor database
	 * as input.  Note that it's marked "const" -- the cast list does not participate
	 * in the ordering of Movies;  two Movies are logically equal if their titles and years
	 * are equal.  Thus, the cast list is a mutable member of the Movie.
	 * @param a a tag referring to an actor to add to the list.  To dereference such a tag, 
	 * we have to pass it back to the ActorDB object it came from.
	void add_actor(ActorDB::tag a) const;
	 * Returns a vector of Actors, the cast of this movie.
	 * @return a vector of copies of the Actors with roles in this movie.
	std::vector<Actor> cast() const;
	void actorConnections(ActorDB::tag a) const;
	void printPath(const string & name1, const string & name2);
	/// A pointer to the ActorDB that stores the actors with roles in this movie.
	/// Used to resolve the ActorDB::tag objects that we store.
	ActorDB* adb;
	/// The title of this movie.
	std::string the_title;
	/// The year in which this movie was released.
	std::string the_year;
	/// A vector of ActorDB::tag objects, referring to the Actor objects
	/// stored in *adb that represent our cast.
	mutable std::vector<ActorDB::tag> the_cast;
	///The private graph for the Kevin Bacon Problem
	mutable Graph actorGraph;

#endif /*MOVIE_H_*/
However, I am getting an error in the Graph.h file. It says "error: Graph::Graph(const Graph&) is private"

Does anybody know why I'm getting this error?