I am working on a socket library in windows. I am able to send a file but there are 2 problems I am encountering.

Issue 1:

IF the file is small, say 120 bytes When i send the file from server to client the files does not send UNLESS I put in a sleep(1) after my send (server).

Issue 2:

The Client seems to be revieving 1 extra recieve and adding BUFF_SIZE amount of data extra to every single binary file that is sent. I have also noticed that at time the client does not recieve _BUFFSIZE bytes, the odd time (very odd) the number is less the _BUFFSIZE bytes recieved.


_BUFFSIZE = 100 for these example, I have played around w/ larger and smaller buffer sizes and I have same result.

I am atempting to send various files all w. same results (.mp3, .wma, .txt, .doc, .avi)

Here is my Send and Reveive from my socket Lib... I have made 100% certain my program only calls these 1 time each.

There is some trivial code (counters) in here for my debuging purposes.

int ServerFileTransfer::sendFile( std::string const& strFileName )
	ifstream transferFile(strFileName.c_str(), ios::binary);

	int bytes = -1;

	if ( transferFile.is_open() )
		ULONG filelength;
		transferFile.seekg(0, ios::end);
		filelength = transferFile.tellg();

		// put back to start of file for reading
		transferFile.seekg(0, ios::beg);

		TCHAR sendBuff[ _BUFFSIZE ] = {0};

		int count = 0;
		ULONG bytesSent = 0;
		for( bytesSent; bytesSent < filelength && !transferFile.eof(); bytesSent += _BUFFSIZE)
			transferFile.read( sendBuff, _BUFFSIZE );
			bytes = send( _cliSocketData, sendBuff, _BUFFSIZE * sizeof( TCHAR ), 0 );
			if ( !isSocketOK( bytes ) )
				return 0;

		bytesSent -= _BUFFSIZE;

		if ( filelength > bytesSent )
			ULONG bytesRem = filelength - bytesSent;
			transferFile.read( sendBuff, bytesRem);
			bytes = send( _cliSocketData, sendBuff, bytesRem * sizeof( TCHAR ), 0 );
			if ( !isSocketOK( bytes ) )
				return 0;

	return true;
int ClientFileTransfer::receiveFile( std::string& strFileName  )
	TCHAR recvBuff[ _BUFFSIZE ];
	int buffLen = _BUFFSIZE * sizeof( TCHAR );
	int bytes = 0;

	bool isOK = true;

	ofstream outFile(strFileName.c_str(), ios::binary);
	static ULONG bytesRecv = 0;
	int count = 0;
	while ((bytes = recv( _dataSock, recvBuff, buffLen, 0 )) > 0)
		if ( bytes != _BUFFSIZE )
			int x=0;
		bytesRecv += bytes;
		if (bytes != 100)
			int x = 0;
		outFile.write(recvBuff, bytes);
		if( !( isOK = isSocketOK( bytes ) ))

	return isOK;
Feel free to make any suggestions, I will try them all and give feedback on how I make out.
