Hi all,
I'm having a trouble reading a binary file as float values I have to read the data in binary mode, then read every four bytes into a float variable. I have done my search, but i found out that the read and get functions do not accept float type. What should i do now? Can anybody help me please?

Here is the code..

// read a file into memory
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int main () {
  int length;
  float * buffer;

  //open the file
  ifstream is;
  is.open ("o1_o2.pwr1", ios::binary );
  cout << "The file is opened.." << endl;

  // get length of file:
  is.seekg (0, ios::end);
  length = is.tellg();
  is.seekg (0, ios::beg);
  cout << "The file's length has been determined.." << endl;

  // allocate memory:
  buffer = new float [length];
  cout << "The memory is allocated.." << endl;

  // read data as a block:
//  is.read (buffer,length);
  is.read ((char *)buffer, sizeof(float)*length);
  cout << "Reading data as a block.." << endl;

  cout << "Writing data.." << endl;
//  cout.write (buffer,length);
  cout.write ((char *)buffer, sizeof(float)*length);

  delete[] buffer;
  return 0;

and i get outout like this:

قEذج╧Fd╟F♂EفYزEءQ3FcJmEاgdE┘≈G>ىF17hEَ7FX╨ F☻ؤF]P{E~h█F♦♣Eَ╩حF∟&#8616F>@┬F>\Ex╤
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which is what i get when i open the file using Notepad, so i guess it need to be converted to a float type. But, when i opened the file in Binary mode using TextPad, i got numbers like this:

56E00: 44 3B 92 83 44 5A 6E EA 44 78 82 CF 44 32 E2 B7

The thing is, how can i do this according to my code, knowing that the values i should get are float values?