I'm trying to write a simple text based RPG. This is the pertinent code:
//PitII- Text based RPG
//01-20-07 to __-__-__
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

void clear();
string begin_game();
int new_room();
struct weapon create_new_weapon(int char_lvl, int mon_lvl);

//THE SAD, LONELY, choice
char choice;

int main()
	//Classes for use throughout the ENTIRE GAME
	struct weapon
		string name;
		int min;
		int max;
		int bonus;
	struct armor
		string name;
		int def;
		int block;
	class Monster
		string name;
		int lvl;
		int hp;
		int hp_max;
		int mind;
		int maxd;
		int armor;
		int block;
	class Hero
		string name;
		int hp;
		int hp_max;
		string weapon_name;
		int mind;
		int maxd;
		string armor_name;
		int armor;
		int block;
		int lvl;
		int exp;
		int exp_need;
		void show_stats()
				<<"\tHealth:  "<<hp<<"/"<<hp_max<<"\n"
				<<"\tLevel:   "<<lvl<<"\n"
				<<"\tDamage:  "<<mind<<"-"<<maxd<<"\n"
				<<"\tArmor:   "<<armor<<"\n"
				<<"\tBlock%:  "<<block<<"%\n";
			cout<<"Press any key to continue.\n>:";

	//Begin Game:
	Hero player;
	player.hp = 50;
	player.hp_max = 50;
	player.weapon_name = "Rusty Dagger";
	player.mind = 1;
	player.maxd = 3;
	player.armor_name = "Cloth Armor";
	player.armor = 15;
	player.block = 5;
	player.exp = 0;
	player.exp_need = 100;
	player.lvl = 1;
	player.name = begin_game();
	cout<<player.name<<" has entered the pit.\n>:";

	//Display stats, setup and display items

	//Begin of Game Loop
		create_new_weapon(2, 7);
	}while(player.hp >= 1);
	return 0;

struct weapon create_new_weapon(int char_lvl, int mon_lvl)
	cout<<"A blacksmith forged you a weapon!"<<"\n"
		<<"Sword, level "<<char_lvl + mon_lvl<<"\n";
	weapon new_weapon;
	new_weapon.name = "Sword";
	new_weapon.min = 52;
	new_weapon.max = 67;
	new_weapon.bonus = 5;
	return new_weapon;
What it is supposed to do is create a new weapon based on character and monster level, but it returns a miriad of errors-
C2027: use of undefined type 'weapon'
C2079: 'create_new_weapon' uses undefined struct 'weapon'
C2079: 'new_weapon' uses undefined struct 'weapon'
C2228: left of '.name' must have class/struct/union (for all of the things)
What's wrong?