#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#define MAX 10

class inputOutputList
              char listFileName;
              char carInputNames[10][50]; //Create ten-car entries; Used for searching text documents
              char carOutputNames[10][50];//" " "; Used for outputting the correct name to corresponding input name list item.
              void SetCarInputName(char Input[50], int entryNumber)
                     carInputNames[entryNumber][0] = *Input;   //Leaving it like this, it only processes that one element in the array so using the string "Buick", it just stores it as "B". Removing the [0] to try to copy the whole string over reports "incompatible types in assignment of `char' to `char[50]'     
              void SetCarOutputName(char Output[50], int entryNumber)
                     carOutputNames[entryNumber][0] = *Output;       

inputOutputList theMainCarList;

//Prototypes are above
int main()
    FILE *f;
    char input[10000];
    char output[10000];
    char temp_char[1];
    int outputIndex = 0;
    int dummy = 0;

    if (!f)
        return 1;

    theMainCarList.SetCarInputName("Buick", 1);
    cin>>dummy; //Ask for input to "halt" the program.

    system("pause"); //Ineffectual.
    return 0;
Hello. My problem is highlighted in red. Running the program as it is now, only a "B" is shown which tells me the assignment in the class's function is only assigning the first element in the array the letter. Removing the "[0]" to attempt copying the whole string instead of that specific element reports the error "incompatible types in assignment of `char' to `char[50]' ". I'm a noob to manipulating characters/strings in classes. ***_ _ _ ***