I am in desperate need to figuring out why my program has 11 errors on line 191 and 1 error on line 130. If someone could please assist me, I would greatly appreciate your help.

 void HybridList::Print() const

// Postcondition:
//     component members of all nodes (if any) in linked list
//     have been output
    mePtr currPtr = head;                                 // Loop control pointer

    while (currPtr != NULL)
        cout << currPtr->lName << endl;            // Line 130 Error C2679
        currPtr = currPtr->link;
void HybridList::Insert( /* in */ ComponentType item )

// Precondition:
//     component members of list nodes are in ascending order
//  && item is assigned
// Postcondition:
//     New node containing item is in its proper place
//       in linked list
//  && component members of list nodes are in ascending order

    mePtr currPtr;       // Moving pointer
    mePtr prevPtr;       // Pointer to node before *currPtr
    mePtr newMePtr;    // Pointer to new node

    // Set up node to be inserted

    newMePtr = new me;
    newMePtr->lName = item;

    // Find previous insertion point
    prevPtr = NULL;
    currPtr = head;

    while (currPtr != NULL && item > currPtr->lName)   // Line 191 Error C2784
        prevPtr = currPtr;
        currPtr = currPtr->link;

    // Insert new node

    newMePtr->link = currPtr;
    if (prevPtr == NULL)
        head = newMePtr;
        prevPtr->link = newMePtr;