Hi guys

I have this code
while (timer.elapsed_time(Timer::VIRTUAL) < tmax) { 
cout << " value " << aSol->value() <<"\ttime " << timer.elapsed_time(Timer::VIRTUAL) << endl;
where while the time is smaller than tmax( a value that i put) prints some values.What i want is to print the smallest value of them. I thought of using min_element but i don't know how and i don't know if it is the right way.Just to help the value is defined like this
class Solution {


  Solution(SC_instance* my_instance);

  SC_instance* instance;
  vector<int> selected_columns;
  map<int,bool> is_covered;
  map<int,bool> is_added; 
  int obj_value;
  int n_covered;

  int value();
  void add_column(int i);
  void rmv_column(int i);
  bool is_complete();
If you want any other information please ask me.
Thanks a lot