Can I use a local struct to store data in the "set" conatiner? If so, what is the correct method to do so?

Compiler: Sun Studio 10 on Unix (Sun Solaris)


using namespace std;

int main()
  struct product
    int id;
    string desc;
    double amt;
  } prdt; = 1234;
  prdt.desc = "Credit Card";
  prdt.amt = 1000.00 ;

  cout << " This is a program to test set conatainer. " << endl
       << " Product ID is: " << 
       << ", Product Desc is : " << prdt.desc 
       << ", Credit Card Limit is : " << prdt.amt << endl ;

// Test program for 'set' container with a struct
 typedef std::set< product, std::less< int > > product_set;

  return 0;

Error Message:"testSet.c", line 26: Error: The local type "product" cannot be used as a template argument.
"/opt/SunStudio10/SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/Cstd/./set", line 83: Error: The local type "product" cannot be used as a template argument.