Below you will see two header files and an implementation file(the one that has errors). I have included the error messages I am recieving below the two files. I don't know what I am doing wrong, so if you have and questions, just ask.

-also included the systemhlp.h file, just in case you wanna try and compile it; all the files are there for you.



#ifndef _enemy_h_
#define _enemy_h_
#include "player.h" 

class Player;//forward declaration

using namespace std;
class Enemy
        void stats();
        void bStats();
        int attack(Enemy& enemyN, Player* playerN);
        Enemy(int num);
        int m_hp;//=======================LINE 19======================
        int m_mp;
        int m_str;
        int m_exp;
        int m_level;
        string m_name;


#ifndef _player_h_
#define _player_h_
#include "enemy.h"

class Enemy;//forward declaration

using namespace std;

class Player
        Player(int gClass);
        void levelUp();
        bool canLevelUp();
        void stats();
        void bStats();
        int attack(Enemy* enemyN, Player& playerN);
        void inventory();
        int heal(Player playerN);
        //int mag(Player* playerN, Enemy* enemyN, string spell);
        int MAX_HP;
        int MAX_MP;
        int m_level;
        int m_hp;
        int m_str;
        int m_mp;
        int m_exp;
        int m_mPow;
        char m_name[12];//Player's name

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "systemhlp.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "enemy.h"

using namespace std;

Player::Player(int gClass)
    if(gClass == 1)
        m_level = 1;
        m_hp = 100;
        m_str = 20;
        m_mp = 50;
        MAX_HP = m_hp;
        MAX_MP = m_mp;
    if(gClass == 2)
        m_level = 1;
        m_hp = 80;
        m_str = 10;
        m_mp = 100;
        MAX_HP = m_hp;
        MAX_MP = m_mp;
    if(gClass == 3)
        m_level = 1;
        m_hp = 90;
        m_str = 15;
        m_mp = 75;
        MAX_HP = m_hp;
        MAX_MP = m_mp;

bool Player::canLevelUp()
    if(m_level == 1 && m_exp >= 32)
        return true;
    else if(m_level == 2 && m_exp >= 96)
        return true;
    else if(m_level == 3 && m_exp >= 208)
        return true;
    else if(m_level == 4 && m_exp >= 400)
        return true;
    else if(m_level == 5 && m_exp >= 672)
        return true;
    else if(m_level == 6 && m_exp >= 1056)
        return true;
    else if(m_level == 7 && m_exp >= 1552)
        return true;
    else if(m_level == 8 && m_exp >= 2184)
        return true;
    else if(m_level == 9 && m_exp >= 2976)
        return true;
    else if(m_level == 10 && m_exp >= 3936)
        return true;
    else if(m_level == 11 && m_exp >= 5080)
        return true;
    else if(m_level == 12 && m_exp >= 6432)
        return true;
    else if(m_level == 13 && m_exp >= 7992)
        return true;
    else if(m_level == 14 && m_exp >= 9784)
        return true;
    else if(m_level == 15 && m_exp >= 11840)
        return true;
    else if(m_level == 16 && m_exp >= 14152)
        return true;
    else if(m_level == 17 && m_exp >= 16736)
        return true;
    else if(m_level == 18 && m_exp >= 19616)
        return true;
    else if(m_level == 19 && m_exp >= 22832)
        return true;
        return false;

void Player::levelUp()
    if(m_level <= 10 && canLevelUp() == true)
        m_hp += 50;
        m_str += 5;
        m_mp += 50;
        MAX_HP = m_hp;
        MAX_MP = m_mp;
    if(m_level <= 15 && canLevelUp() == true)
        m_hp += 45;
        m_str += 4;
        m_mp += 45;
        MAX_HP = m_hp;
        MAX_MP = m_mp;
    if(m_level <= 20 && canLevelUp() == true)
        m_hp += 35;
        m_str += 3;
        m_mp += 35;
        MAX_HP = m_hp;
        MAX_MP = m_mp;

      void Player::stats()
           cout<<"Level: "<<m_level<<endl;
           cout<<"HP: "<<m_hp<<endl;
           cout<<"MP: "<<m_mp<<endl;
           cout<<"Strength: "<<m_str<<endl;
           cout<<"Exp: "<<m_exp<<endl;

    void Player::bStats()
           cout<<"HP: "<<m_hp<<endl;
           cout<<"MP: "<<m_mp<<endl;
    int Player::heal(Player playerN)
           if(playerN.m_mp >= 5)
                 int x = ((playerN.m_level*playerN.MAX_MP)/128) + ((rand() % 6) + 4);
                 cout<<"You gain "<<x<<" points of health!\n"<<endl;
                 playerN.m_hp = playerN.m_hp + x;
                 playerN.m_mp = playerN.m_mp - 5;
                 if(playerN.m_hp > playerN.MAX_HP)
                        playerN.m_hp = playerN.MAX_HP;
                 return playerN.m_mp, playerN.m_hp;

int Player::attack(Enemy* enemyN, Player& playerN)
            int x = 20 * (playerN.m_str/100) * 20;
            int criticalHit = x * (2/10);
            if(((rand() % 6) + 1) == 3)
                x += criticalHit;
                cout<<"Critical Hit!"<<endl;

           enemyN->m_hp = enemyN->m_hp - x;//=========LINE 304==============
           cout<<"You hit for "<<x<<" points of damage!\n"<<endl;
           if(enemyN->m_hp < 0)//==================LINE 308================
                enemyN->m_hp = 0;//=================LINE 310===============
       return enemyN->m_hp;  //==================LINE 313==============
Line         Message               File

19            `int                  enemy.h
304           within              player.cpp
19            `int                  enemy.h
304           within              player.cpp
19             `int                 enemy.h
308           within              player.cpp
19             `int                 enemy.h
310           within             player.cpp
19             `int                 enemy.h
313           within              player.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>

void pause()
    std::cin.ignore(std::cin.rdbuf()->in_avail() + 1);

void cls()