Thread: Help with Operator Overloading

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Help with Operator Overloading

    This is a Set ADT and I am having problems with overloading the + operator to do a union of two sets. What I was trying to do was load two vectors of integers to a temporary vector (removing the duplicates) but I have been unable to get it to work. Any suggestions please? Thanks.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <vector>
    using namespace std ;
    class Set 
        void add (int anItem) ;
        void remove (int anItem) ;
        int size () ;
        bool is_empty () ;
        bool has (int& the_target_item) ;
        friend ostream& operator << (ostream& OUTPUT, Set& aSet) ;
        friend istream& operator >> (istream& INPUT, Set& aSet) ;
        friend Set& operator + (Set& aSet, Set& anotherSet) ;   
        vector <int> theItems ;
    int main ()
    system ("Pause") ;
    return 0 ;
    void Set :: add (int anItem) 
     if (Set :: has(anItem))
      theItems . push_back (anItem) ;
    void Set :: remove (int anItem) 
     for (int i = Set :: has (anItem); i < theItems . size () - 1; i++)
       theItems[i] = theItems[i+1] ;
     theItems . pop_back () ;
    ostream& operator << (ostream& OUTPUT, Set& aSet) 
     OUTPUT << "Current Size: " <<  aSet . theItems . size() << "  " << endl ; 
     for (int i=0; i < aSet . theItems . size(); i++) 
      OUTPUT << aSet . theItems[i] << " " ;
      OUTPUT << endl ;
      return OUTPUT ;
    istream& operator >> (istream& INPUT, Set& aSet) 
     int anItem ;
     cout << "Enter Items (Ctrl-z to End): " ;
     while ( cin >> anItem)
      aSet . add (anItem) ;
     return INPUT ;
    int Set :: size () 
     return theItems . size () ;
    Set operator + (Set aSet, Set anotherSet) 
     vector <int> tmpVector ;
     tmpVector . push_back (aSet) ;
     tmpVector . push_back (anotherSet) ;
    bool Set :: is_empty () 
     if (theItems . size () == 0)
      return true ;
      return false ;
    bool Set :: has (int& the_target_item) 
     int i = 0 ;
     while ( i < theItems . size () && theItems [i] != the_target_item)
      i++ ;
     if ( i == theItems.size ( )  ) 	
      return false ;	
      return true ;	

  2. #2
    (?<!re)tired Mario F.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Add some sort of index function that takes an int x and returns an int representing theItems[x]. Or overload operator [].

    Then you need something like this (assuming you created a function called index):

    for (each element in aSet) {
        if ( find( tmpVector.begin(), tmpVector.end(), aSet.index(i) ) == tmpVector.end() ) {
            add aSet(index) to tmpVector;
    repeat for anotherSet
    Originally Posted by brewbuck:
    Reimplementing a large system in another language to get a 25% performance boost is nonsense. It would be cheaper to just get a computer which is 25% faster.

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2003
    If you keep the vectors sorted (or switch to std::set<int>) you can use std::set_union() to merge them.

    There is also std::set_intersection() and std::set_difference().

    For example this would be your operator+ :

    Set Set::operator+(const Set& other) const{
    	Set r;
    	return r;
    Last edited by Cat; 11-29-2006 at 12:29 PM.
    You ever try a pink golf ball, Wally? Why, the wind shear on a pink ball alone can take the head clean off a 90 pound midget at 300 yards.

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