Thread: Need Help!

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  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Question Need Help!

    Can someone please help me. My code won't decrement the way it should:

    #include <iostream> 
    using namespace std; 
    // Let's define constants to identify the sides
    const bool HUMAN_PLAYER = true;
    const bool COMPUTER_PLAYER = false; 
    // Function Prototypes - Messages to the player
    void welcomeMessage();
    void congratulateWinner( bool theWinner );
    void gameStatus( int pileSize ); 
    // Function Prototypes - User Interface
    // Decide who gets to play first
    bool pickFirstPlayer(); 
    // Function Prototypes - Moves
    int getHumanPlayerMove( int pileSize );
    int getComputerPlayerMove( int pileSize ); 
    // Function Prototypes - Predicates
    bool isGameOver( int pileSize ); 
    // The main NIM Program
    int main()
      // Start by saying hello to the player
      // Now, let's ask the human player who goes first
      bool currentPlayer = pickFirstPlayer();
      // Now that we know who plays first, we can start
      // the game by initializing the heap of sticks
      int nimSticks = 22; 
      // CORE GAME LOOP: as long as there are sticks left,
      // we'll need to get moves from the opponents
      while( !isGameOver( nimSticks) )
        // Show the status of the game
        gameStatus( nimSticks ); 
        // Let's get a move from the current player
        int currentPlayerMove;
        if( currentPlayer == HUMAN_PLAYER )
          currentPlayerMove = getHumanPlayerMove( nimSticks );
          currentPlayerMove = getComputerPlayerMove( nimSticks ); 
        // Now that we know how many sticks the current
        // player wants to take, we remove them from the
        // pile
        nimSticks -= currentPlayerMove; 
        // Do we have a winner?
        if( isGameOver( nimSticks ) )
          congratulateWinner( currentPlayer );
        // If there are sticks left in the pile, it is
        // now the other player's turn
          currentPlayer = !currentPlayer;
      // And we're done!
      return 0;
    // welcomeMessage() - Say Hi to the player
    void welcomeMessage()
      cout << "Welcome to the Game of Single-Pile Nim!" << endl;
      cout << "---------------------------------------" << endl << endl;
    // congratulateWinner() - Tell the player who won
    void congratulateWinner( bool theWinner )
      // If so, who has just taken the last stick?
      if( HUMAN_PLAYER == theWinner )
        cout << "You win. Congratulations!" << endl;
        cout << "I win! Better luck next time..." << endl;
    // gameStatus() - Tell the player how many sticks
    // are left in the pile before a turn
    void gameStatus( int pileSize )
     int nimSticks = pileSize;
     cout << "There are/is " << nimSticks << " stick(s) left." <<endl<<endl;
    // pickFirstPlayer() - Ask the user who goes first
    bool pickFirstPlayer()
      int count = 2;
    	int compTurn;
    	char start;
    	cout << "IT'S NIM TIME!!!!!!" <<endl<<endl;
    	while(count >= 0)
    		cout << "Who starts? [H]uman or [C]omputer?" <<endl;
    		cin >> start;
    		case 'C':
    		case 'c':cout << "Computer start." <<endl; count = -1; compTurn = true;
    		case 'H':
    		case 'h':cout << "Human start." <<endl; count = -1; compTurn = true;
    		//default:cout << count << " try(s)left" <<endl;
    		/*if(count == 0)
    			cout << "NO GO!!!!!              Sorry." <<endl<<endl;
    	return true;
    // getHumanPlayerMove() - Ask the player for a number
    // of sticks to take out of the pile
    int getHumanPlayerMove( int pileSize )
      int pickstick;
    	int no = 3;
    int nimSticks = pileSize;
    	while(no != 0)
    		cout << "Take how many sticks?: ";
    		cin >> pickstick;
    		cout << endl;
    		if(1 <= pickstick && pickstick <= 4)
    			nimSticks -= pickstick;
    			//cout<< "Number of sticks left: " << nimSticks << endl << endl;
    			/*if(winner() == 1)
    				cout << "The hu-man wins!" <<endl;
    			no = 0;
    			cout << "Error. " << no << " trys left. " <<endl;
    	return 0;
    // getComputerPlayerMove() - Let the machine play
    int getComputerPlayerMove( int pileSize )
    	int nimSticks = pileSize;
    	int pick = nimSticks - nimSticks % (1 + 4);
    	int just = nimSticks - pick;
    	if (just == 0)
    		just = 1 + rand() % (4 - 1 + 1);
    		pick -= just;
    	nimSticks -= just;
    	cout << "Computer takes " << just <<" stick(s)." <<endl;
    	//cout << "Their are " << pick << " left." <<endl;
    	/*if(winner() == 1)
    		cout << "The COMPUTER wins!" <<endl;
    	return 0;
    // isGameOver() - Have we reached endgame conditions?
    // if there are no sticks left, yes
    bool isGameOver( int pileSize )
      int nimSticks = pileSize;
    	if(/*int*/ pileSize = false)
    	cout<<  "The game is over." <<endl<<endl;
    	return false;
    Last edited by Middlechild47; 11-19-2006 at 05:19 PM.

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