Currently my mission in life is to write a box class which consists of:
Write a C++ class called Box. You should create the following 3 seperate files:

* Box.h: the header file for the box class
* Box.cpp: the code and data for the box class; and
* boxtdrivr.cpp

Reuse the C++ class you wrote for the previous assingment.
* Point.h: the header file for the point class
* Point.cpp: the code and data for the point class; and

the point class will consist of the following memeber function:

* constructor with arguments for the three points to define the box;
* constructor with arguments for hidth, width and depth(assume that one , point is the orgin)
* a function to compute the surface area of the box;
* a function to compute the volume of the box;
* seperate accessor fubctions for getting each attribute;
* seperate functions that will return the deminsions of the box (H,W,D)
* a function that will return the largest deminsion of the box
* a function that will return the smallest deminsion of the box
* separate accessor functions for getting each attribute.
So my point class is already done and works:

*	class:  XYZPoint
*	Description: 
*		A constructor that passes 3 variables
*		A default constructor that has preset values
*		A function for setting the x,y and z variables
*		A function to compute the distance between the two points
*		A function to compute the midpoint between the two points
*		A function that will display all the points attributes
*		Sperate accessor functions fro getting each attribute. 

class XYZPoint
	//constructor that passes 3 veriables
	private: //declares Coorodinates
		double xCoor;
		double yCoor;
		double zCoor;

*	Discription: 
*		Default Constructor that sets the x,y & z Coor to 0.00 if no value
*		is passed.
			xCoor = 0.000;
			yCoor = 0.000;
			zCoor = 0.000;

*	Discription: 
*		Prototype Constructor that passes three doubles, defines the points
*		of the triangle
	XYZPoint(double, double, double);

*	Discription: 
*		Prototype get*Coor that passes an X,Y, or Z Coordinate
	double getXCoor();
	double getYCoor();
	double getZCoor();

*	Discription: 
*		Prototype set*Coor that passes an X,Y, or Z Coordinate
	void setXCoor(double);
	void setYCoor(double);
	void setZCoor(double);

*	Discription: 
*		calculates the distance between coordinates of XYZPoint
	double distance(XYZPoint);

*	Discription: 
*		calculates the midpoint between coordinates of XYZPoint
	void midPoint(XYZPoint, XYZPoint);
*	Discription: 
*		Allows user to output to anywhere or anything
	void display(ostream &);

	//prototype Constructor passing two doubles
	XYZPoint::XYZPoint(double x, double y, double z)
		xCoor = x;
		yCoor = y;
		zCoor = z;

*	class XYZ Accessors
	double XYZPoint::getXCoor()
		return xCoor;

	double XYZPoint::getYCoor()
		return yCoor;

	double XYZPoint::getZCoor()
		return zCoor;

*	class XYZ Modifiers
	void XYZPoint::setXCoor(double x)
		xCoor = x;

	void XYZPoint::setYCoor(double y)
		yCoor = y;

	void XYZPoint::setZCoor(double z)
		zCoor = z;

*	calculates the difference in between the xCoor with 
	double XYZPoint::distance(XYZPoint p1)
	   double xDiff = xCoor - p1.getXCoor();
	   double yDiff = yCoor - p1.getYCoor();
	   double zDiff = zCoor - p1.getZCoor();

	   double result = sqrt(xDiff*xDiff + yDiff*yDiff + zDiff*zDiff);
	   return result;

*	Function Description: finds the midpoint of the X,Y & Z Corrodinates
	void XYZPoint::midPoint(XYZPoint p2, XYZPoint p3) 
		xCoor = (p2.getXCoor() + p3.getXCoor())/2.0;
		yCoor = (p2.getYCoor() + p3.getYCoor())/2.0;
		zCoor = (p2.getZCoor() + p3.getZCoor())/2.0;

*	Funciont Description: displays 
	void XYZPoint::display(ostream& out) //pN.display(cout)
	   out << fixed << setprecision(3) << "(" << xCoor << "," 
			<< yCoor << "," << zCoor <<")";
Now im trying to buile my Box class and having problems:
#ifndef BOX_H
#define BOX_H
#include "Point.h"

*	Author: Glen Newell
*	Class: XYZBox
*	Description:
*		A constructor for 3 points that define the box *
*		A constructor with arguments for hight, width and depth *
*		A function to compute the surface area of the box
*		A function to compute the volume 
*		Sperate accessor functions fro getting each attribute. 
*		Separate functions that will return the demensions of the box
*		A function that will return the largest dimension of the box
*		A function that will return the smallest dimension of the box

class XYZBox
	//constructor that defines the 3 points of the box
	private: //declares Coorodinates
		XYZPoint xCoor;
		XYZPoint yCoor;
		XYZPoint zCoor;

*	Class: XYZBox 
*	Function: XYZBox
*	Discription: 
*		Prototype Constructor that passes three doubles, defines Box(H,W,D)
	XYZBox(double, double, double);
	XYZBox(XYZPoint, XYZPoint, XYZPoint);

*	Function: get(X,Y,Z)Coor
*	Discription: 
*		Prototype get*Coor that passes an X,Y, or Z Coordinate
	double getXCoor(double);
	double getYCoor(double);
	double getZCoor(double); 
*	Function: set(X,Y,Z)Coor
*	Discription: 
*		Prototype set*Coor that passes an X,Y, or Z Coordinate
	void setXCoor(double);
	void setYCoor(double);
	void setZCoor(double);

*	Function: surfaceArea
*	Discription: 
*		calculates the difference in between the xCoor with 
	double surfaceArea();

*	Function: Volume
*	Discription: 
*		calculates the volume of the box
	double volume(); // not sure if it shouls be this
//	void volume(XYZBox); // or this
*	Function: largeDimension
*	Discription: 
*		calculates the Largest Dimension of the box
	void largeDimension (XYZBox, XYZBox);

*	Function: smallDimension
*	Discription: 
*		calculates the Smallest Dimension of the box
	void smallDimension (XYZBox, XYZBox);
#include "Box.h"

	XYZBox::XYZBox (XYZPoint p1, XYZPoint p2, XYZPoint p3)
		xCoor = p1;
		yCoor = p2;
		zCoor = p3;

	XYZBox::XYZBox (double x, double y, double z)



*	Function: get(X,Y,Z)Coor
*	Discription: 
*		Prototype get*Coor that passes an X,Y, or Z Coordinate
	double XYZBox::getXCoor() //depth
		return xCoor;

	double XYZBox::getYCoor() //width
		return yCoor;

	double XYZBox::getZCoor() //height
		return zCoor;

*	Function: set(X,Y,Z)Coor
*	Discription: 
*		Prototype set*Coor that passes an X,Y, or Z Coordinate
        void XYZBox::setXCoor()
		return xCoor;

	void XYZBox::setYCoor()
		return yCoor;

	void XYZBox::setZCoor()
		return zCoor;

*	Function: distance
*	Discription: 
*		Calculates the difference in between the xCoor with 
	double XYZBox::surfaceArea()
	   double depth = abs(xCoor.getXCoor() - yCoor.getXCoor());
	   double width = abs(yCoor.getYCoor() - zCoor.getYCoor());
	   double height = abs(zCoor.getZCoor() - xCoor.getZCoor());

	   double result = abs((2*(depth*width))+(2*(depth*height))+(2*(width*height)));
	   return result;

*	Function: volume
*	Discription: 
*		Calculates the volume of the Box. 
/*	void XYZBox::volume(XYZBox p1) // the other way i think might work?
		double volume = p1.getXCoor()*p1.getYCoor()*p1.getZCoor();
		return volume;
	double XYZBox::volume()
		double volume = xCoor.getXCoor()*
		return volume;

*	Function: largeDimension
*	Discription: 
*		calculates the Largest Dimension of the box
	void largeDimension (XYZBox p1, XYZBox p2);
            // dont know what to put here?

*	Function: smallDimension
*	Discription: 
*		calculates the Smallest Dimension of the box
	void smallDimension (XYZBox p1, XYZBox p2);
Right now im getting errors with the get_Coor Functions, the set_Coor and the volume

simalar to:
C:\...Box.cpp(51) : error C2511: 'getXCoor' : overloaded member function 'double (void)' not found in 'XYZBox'

any suggestions? examples are a plus.