I am having trouble with this part of my program,
the statement seems to be logical but when i compile it will always go to the condition (YOU FAIL) even if i enter "human" as i have below, it never goes to the else part of the statement. Im new to C++ your help would be appreciated.
    cout << "Race: \n";
    cin.get(race, 6);
    cin.ignore(100, '\n');
    if(!(race=="human" || race=="elf"))  
                                         //if race does not = human or elf "YOU FAIL"
                                         //if race = human or elf go to else
        cout << "YOU FAIL! \n...Race: \n";     //if not =
        cin.get(race, 11);
        cin.ignore(100, '\n');
        if(!(race=="human" || race=="elf"))        //if not =, again
            cout<< "YOU are a moron! \nRace:  Human\n";
            strcpy(race, "human");              //default to human
   cout << "Name:  " <<  charName <<  "\n" << "Race:  "  <<  race << "\n";               //displays Name and Race if "if statement" is true
Thank you in advance for any help