I'm trying to export this (unfinished) template class in a DLL and it isn't working. No complaints from the compiler / linker, it's not in the list in depends (I haven't tried to import it yet, which I'm going to do dynamically).

template <typename T> class EXPORTED CArray
  CArray( size_t uSize ) : m_uSize( uSize )
    // TODO: Attempt to allocate m_pData. Awaiting Debug library (Assert!)

  ~CArray( void )
    // TODO: Free m_pData

  // Random access
  const T &operator[]( size_t uIndex ) const
    // TODO: Assert validity of uIndex
    return m_pData[uIndex];

  T &operator[]( size_t uIndex )
    // TODO: As above
    return m_pData[uIndex];

  const size_t &Size( void ) const
    return m_uSize;

  T       *m_pData;
  size_t  m_uSize;
