Hi guys

I used to program C, but recently took the plunge and decided to de-rust myself and start on Cpp ... however I'm being driven mad by a "cout undeclared" error when I compile and I just can't see why. Apologies if this is a silly question but I can't see in help files where I'm going wrong.

My project is as follows:

- main.cpp file, includes cstdlib, iostream, string. Has calls to cout and works fine
- class.h file, includes files as main.cpp. class and member function declarations
- class.cpp file, includes all the same files again. member function definitions

Now, although both the main and class files include the same files the main file manages to output with cout fine, but when I use cout in a member function in the class.cpp file it gives me a "cout undeclared" compiler error (and a "endl undeclared", but I guess if I fix one I fix the other).

In the tutorials I'm working through they do the same thing but it doesn't seem to work for me. I'm using Dev C++ from Bloodshed Software if that's any help ..

Thanks for anything