Hey guys, I'm having problems cleaning up a queue that is a dynamic array of pointers to objects. When I call my destructor, the program crashes. Here is my code..

Private section of class..

	OBJECT ** array; //declare pointer to pointer of OBJECT
	int maxSize; //size of array

queue::queue( unsigned x ){
              maxSize = x;
              array = new OBJECT *[x]; //create dynamic array of size x
              for ( int c = 0; c < x; c++ )
		          array[c] = NULL; //initialize each element of array to point to NULL
Destructor that crashes my program...

                for( int c = 0; c < maxSize; c++ ){//problem here
                     if( array[c] != NULL ) 
                         delete array[c]; //deletes OBJECT if there's one at that element
                delete array; // deletes dynamic array
I'm a little new to dynamic arrays, any help would be appreciated. Thanks.