i need to creat a themometer that can show the temperature in degrees C and in Degrees F depending on what the user puts in.

i am very new with clases and i am wondering if i am on the right tracks with this begining code?


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class C_Themometer
float mDegreesC, mDegreesF;

int SetDegreesC(float DegreesC, float DegreesF)
mDegreesC = DegreesC;
mDegreesF = DegreesF;


void SetDegreesF()


int GetDegreesC(float& DegreesC, float& DegreesF)
cout <<"Please enter a temperature";
return mDegreesC = (9.0/5.0 * mDegreesC) + (32.0);

void GetDegreesF()


void main()
C_Themometer Deg1, Deg2;
int mDegreesC;
int mDegreesF;

if anyone can give me a few pointers that will help then it would be very helpfull.