I have to set my cin's and cout's to work in a while loop. The way it is supposed to work is, the loop will end once someone enters "-999" as the int number... as you can see below. I have yet to add in the function call and other things, but I think I have come far enough to be able to ask this. I think if I put the cin << number; in the loop, it will not terminate because it will not check until it has gone thru everything. Can someone tell me what to do please?

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

double commission (double actualsales, double basesales, double compercent);
//function for the program

int main ()
        { //the int main has begun

        string name;
        int number;
        double basepay, compsales, printsales, compcom, printcom, totalcom, totalpay;

        cout << "Welcome to the APSU Computer Company Commission Statement program!" << endl;

        cout << "Please Enter Salesperson's Identification or -999 to terminate." << endl;
        cin >> number;

        cout << "Please Enter Salesperson's Name." << endl;
        cin.ignore (80, '\n');
        getline (cin, name);

        cout << "Please Enter Salesman Base Salary." << endl;
        cin >> basepay;

        cout << "Please Enter Personal Computer Sales." << endl;
        cin >> compsales;

        cout << "Please Enter Printer Sales." << endl;
        cin >> printsales;

        }//the int main has ended. oh my!

double commission (double actualsales, double basesales, double compercent)
        {//birth of a function
        double comm;
                if (actual sales > basepay)
                        comm = actualsales * compercent;
                        //and you get to keep your job :)
                        comm = 0;
        return comm;
        }//death of a function