I've been stuck on this problem for way too long, can any of you help me out?? My assignment is as follows:
You must implement the menu system using a do {} while loop. For each of the options available in the menu, you may use a loop of your
choice, as long as at least one of the options is implemented using a for loop, and at least one of the options
is implemented using a while loop. The options for the menu are:
1. Count all negative numbers in a file (filename is "pa5.numbers")
2. Average of all non-negative numbers in a file (filename is "pa5.numbers")
3. Sum all whole numbers between x & y, where x & y are input by the user
4. Quit

This is my sample input file:
34 67 –2 0 52 13 8 7 14 31 –90 49 64 82 –67 33 –43 41 42
199 –2006 18 15 6 –9 12 16 –60 57 45 48 –57 1 4 –5 –14

I am still stuck on #1!!! It keeps going in an infinite loop and the counter++ is not even counting.. it is still stuck on the first number in the input file.

I did a cout to see what it was printing, and it prints a 0 for count, and 67 for num.
Can anyone help?? If anyone knows how to do #'s 2-4 also it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;
int main()
    ifstream inFile;
    int count, choice;
    int num;

    if (inFile.fail())
           cout << "Error Opening input file pa5.numbers! \n";
           return 0;
             cout << "1 - Count Negatives" << endl;
             cout << "2 - Average Non-negatives" << endl;
             cout << "3 - Sum Numbers" << endl;
             cout << "4 - Quit" << endl;
             cin >> choice;
             if(choice == 1)
                       while (!inFile.eof())
                             inFile >> num;
                             if(num < 0)
                                 inFile >> num;
                                 cout << count << endl;

    }while(choice !=4);
  return 0;