Thread: Hello and Help

  1. #1
    Registered User [Z-D]'s Avatar
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    Unhappy Hello and Help

    Hi everyone. I just registered into this forum a few minutes ago.
    I'm a first year Mechanical Engineering student, fourth week in University.

    I have already read the Forum Guidelines and Homework thread. I have also scanned through the FAQ board.
    I'm glad to have found this Forum and register. I know that I will benefit a lot from this forum, for my course. Glad to be here.

    I have just recieved the assignment questions for C++ from my university and I'm having problems. My lecturer on C++ seem to be not so good in explaining what he's trying to teach, so I'm having problems. Also one of the questions in the Assignment uses a method that we haven't learn, even though I think that we will learn that sooner or later, I would want to learn it now. I like to be ahead of my class. I have read through a few tutorial websites, and I also tried reading a book on C++. But I have difficulty understanding certain things because of my n00bness.... ...

    There were three questions and I mannage to complete one of them.
    For one of the other question, I need to know is how to use and if on words instead of integers. I tried reading the up string stuff, but I have difficulty understanding...

    The question requires us to write a prgramme that can tell the realtion and the physical details of my family members. If I use numbers to represent my family integers, I am able to complete it.
    But i don't know how to use words (writing thier name down) to represent them.
    I read this but I still don't understand.

    Also, I installed (well, actually my brother installed) a Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. It works for him, but it doesn't work for me. Cause I learn to use <iostream.h>, but he uses something else, which I don't know. He does Electrical and Electronic Engineering. I know that Win32 isn't available in Projects, under New where as it is available int the University's Computer lab. How do I get it to work for <iostream.h>?..

    Someone please help. Thank you.

    Last edited by [Z-D]; 10-19-2006 at 08:54 AM.

  2. #2
    The C eater *munch*
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    the thread you went was talking about C... i know only a bit of C++, been using C, tho the syntax is almost the same... but I don't know atoi equivalent for C++

    it should be <iostream> (without the .h) btw.

    as for your question, you might want to try this
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int main() {
       char s[100];
       cin >> s;
       cout << s << '\n';
       return 0;
    if you are looking for a c++ compiler... get cygwin and install the gcc package

  3. #3
    Reverse Engineer maxorator's Avatar
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    atoi equivalent is string streams, but you can still use atoi() or strtol().
    "The Internet treats censorship as damage and routes around it." - John Gilmore

  4. #4
    Registered User [Z-D]'s Avatar
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    Hey....... Aren't you gonna welcome me?

    Thanks a lot. Could you explain more on what that does. I don't have C++ with me right now, so I can't test it... sorry..

    Also, what I needed to know was how to use if for words.

    Something which works like this (but obviously this doesn't work)
    #include <iostream.h>
    main ()
    	char name;
    	cout << "Enter the name of my family members:";
    	cout << "Family members are '[name1]', '[name2', '[name3]', ...etc ";
    	cin >> name;
    	if (name = "name1]);
    	{cout << "Full Name: [bla bla bla]" << endl;
    	cout << "Relation: Father";
    	cout << 'Height, bla bla bla" << endl;
    	if (name = "name2]);
    	{cout << "Full Name: [bla bla bla]" << endl;
    	cout << "Relation: Mother";
    	cout << 'Height, bla bla bla" << endl;
    	else if ( name != [name1], name != [name2], [name3], ...etc );
    	{cout << "the name written is not my family member... ha ha!!!" << endl;
    	return 0;
    That's what I meant.... It works on integer but not on characters.... How do I make if work on characters?......

  5. #5
    C++ Witch laserlight's Avatar
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    To compare null terminated strings, you should use strcmp(). I suggest that you actually work with a compiler, considering the considerable number of errors in your code that you have no easy way (aside from asking us) of checking.

    1. The correct standard header is <iostream>, not <iostream.h>
    2. The names cout, cin, and endl should be fully qualified, unless you have a using directive for them.
    3. In your code, name is a char, not a string.
    4. It appears that you are trying to compare using the assignment operator.
    5. It appears that you are trying to use the comma operator where you actually want a logical and... and in the first place, an else would suffice.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bjarne Stroustrup (2000-10-14)
    I get maybe two dozen requests for help with some sort of programming or design problem every day. Most have more sense than to send me hundreds of lines of code. If they do, I ask them to find the smallest example that exhibits the problem and send me that. Mostly, they then find the error themselves. "Finding the smallest program that demonstrates the error" is a powerful debugging tool.
    Look up a C++ Reference and learn How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

  6. #6
    The larch
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    Hello and welcome
    6) String literals are between double quotes, not a mix of quotes and square brackets.

  7. #7
    Registered User [Z-D]'s Avatar
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    Thank you, but

    Okay then,.... I'll just read up more...

    1. Whats the difference between <iostream> and <iostream.h>? How do we know when t use them? (MAN! My lecturer sucks!!)
    3. Actually I wasn't thaugh how to use char of string yet... I just read up and tried experimenting in the Comp Lab.
    5. sorry,... i don't really understand...
    6. screwed up there....

    To let you have an Idea on how n0000b I am...

    I was happy enough to answere this question.
    Write a programme that can convert temperature from RFarenheit to Celcius and viceversa:
    #include <iostream>
    	int ConversionChoice, F, C;
    	cout << "Press '1' for F to C, and '2' for C to F:";
    	cin >> ConversionChoice;
    	if (ConversionChoice == 1)
    	{cout << "Enter temperature in degree Farenheit:";
    	cin >> F;
    	C = (F - 32) / 1.8; 
    	cout << "Temperature in Degree Celcius:" << C << endl;
    	if (ConversionChoice == 2)
    	{cout << "Enter temperature in degree Celcius:";
    	cin >> C;
    	F = 1.8*C + 32;
    	cout << "Temperature in Degree Farenheit:" << F << endl;
    	else if (ConversionChoice != 2, ConversionChoice != 1)
    	{cout << "What do you think you're doing? None of the conversion was chosen!" << endl;
    	return 0;
    I was able to do this....

    For the question that I was struggling with, I think I could do something like tis:
    #include <iostream.h>
    main ()
    	int name;
    	cout << "Choose a family member:";
    	cout << "Press '1' for [name1]";
    	cout << "Press '2' for [name2]";
    	cout << "Press '3' for [name3]";
    	cout << ....
    	cin >> name;
    	if (name = 1);
    	{cout << "Relation: Father";
    	cout << "Height: bla bla bla";
    	cout << "weight: bla blab la...;
    	cout << ....
    	.....etc ... << endl;
    	if (name = 2);
    	{cout << "Relation: Mother";
    	cout << "Height: bla bla bla";
    	cout << "weight: bla blab la...;
    	cout << ....
    	.....etc ... << endl;
    	else if ( name != 1, name != 2, name != 3, ....etc.... );
    	{cout << "invalid number.. bla blab la" << endl;
    	return 0;
    But this way im using integers to represent the family members. I don't know how to do something similar but using characters instead of integers.

    I don't know wheter this would be breaking ther forum rules, but could someone show me an example of using if for words?... I'll figure out the rest by myself

  8. #8
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    The edge of the known universe
    > if (name = 1);
    1. Use == for comparison
    2. the lone ; at the end means this if statement does nothing.

    To compare strings in C++, do something like
    #include <string>
    // then in code
    std::string s = "hello";
    if ( s == "hello" ) {
      std::cout << "yes";
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  9. #9
    Registered User [Z-D]'s Avatar
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    You may have just saved my life.... I will test it tommorow morning just as I get my hands on C++ in the com lab.

    Thank you all. Bless this forum!!! I've gotta go to bed now!!..

  10. #10
    Registered User [Z-D]'s Avatar
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    Okay, I'm already at the com lab... Thanks guys.

    I mannage to get this to work.
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    main ()
    	char *s;
    	std::cout << "type 'hello': ";
    	std::cin >> *s;
    	if ( s == "hello" );
    	std::cout << "yes ";
    	return 0;
    Thanks for that.... But I can't get this to work.
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    main ()
    	char *s;
    	std::cout << "type 'hello': ";
    	std::cin >> *s;
    	if ( s == "hello" );
    	std::cout << "yes ";
    	else std::cout << "no";
    	return 0;
    this is the error:
    c:\windows\system32\teste.cpp(10) : warning C4390: ';' : empty controlled statement found; is this the intent?

    Why ist this? the else doesn't work...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    That is some of the most frightening code I've ever seen. Your pointer is pointing off into the oblivion as you merrily write data to it. Your comparison isn't using strcmp. Are you not allowed to use strings?
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    main ()
    	std::string s;
    	std::cout << "type 'hello': ";
    	std::cin >> s;
    	if ( s == "hello" );
    		std::cout << "yes ";
    	return 0;
    The logical problem with both sets of code is the semi-colon at the end of your if statement. Get rid of it.
    Last edited by pianorain; 10-19-2006 at 08:21 PM.
    If I did your homework for you, then you might pass your class without learning how to write a program like this. Then you might graduate and get your degree without learning how to write a program like this. You might become a professional programmer without knowing how to write a program like this. Someday you might work on a project with me without knowing how to write a program like this. Then I would have to do you serious bodily harm. - Jack Klein

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    If I were you, I wouldn't worry about using pointers to character arrays. I would just use strings.

    Someone posted this here awhile ago and I think it might help you:

    // An improved version of the program! ^_^ Good mood...
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    int main (void) 
       std::string answer = "twenty";
       std::cout << "How many apples did I buy? (word answers):";
       std::cin >> answer;
       // This dandy little algorithm transforms a string based on the
       // predicate. I turned everything lower case to make sure it 
       // matches.
       transform(answer.begin(), answer.end(), answer.begin(), ::tolower);
       if(answer != "twenty")
           std::cout << "Sorry, you're wrong\n";
           std::cout << "Yes, that's correct\n";

  13. #13
    Reverse Engineer maxorator's Avatar
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    Using char arrays:
    #include <iostream>
    int main(){
        char s[256];
        std::cout << "Type 'hello': ";
        if (strcmp(s,hello)==0){
            std::cout << "You typed 'hello'!";
            std::cout << "You didn't type 'hello'.";
        return 0;
    Using strings:
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    int main(){
        std::string s;
        std::cout << "Type 'hello': ";
        std::cin >> s;
            std::cout << "You typed 'hello'!";
            std::cout << "You didn't type 'hello'.";
        return 0;
    "The Internet treats censorship as damage and routes around it." - John Gilmore

  14. #14
    Registered User [Z-D]'s Avatar
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    Oct 2006
    Ohhh...... Thanks you guys. That's a lot of help.... This forum really saved me...

    Quote Originally Posted by pianorain
    That is some of the most frightening code I've ever seen. Your pointer is pointing off into the oblivion as you merrily write data to it. Your comparison isn't using strcmp. Are you not allowed to use strings?
    The problem is I don't know much about strings, char and arrays, I haven't learn them... So by looking at these posts, I understand them better and I now know that I should use stirngs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loctan
    If I were you, I wouldn't worry about using pointers to character arrays. I would just use strings.

    Someone posted this here awhile ago and I think it might help you:

    // An improved version of the program! ^_^ Good mood...
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    int main (void) 
       std::string answer = "twenty";
       std::cout << "How many apples did I buy? (word answers):";
       std::cin >> answer;
       // This dandy little algorithm transforms a string based on the
       // predicate. I turned everything lower case to make sure it 
       // matches.
       transform(answer.begin(), answer.end(), answer.begin(), ::tolower);
       if(answer != "twenty")
           std::cout << "Sorry, you're wrong\n";
           std::cout << "Yes, that's correct\n";
    Yeah this helped, Glad to see you in a good mood. But I don't understand the one I coloured red.

    Quote Originally Posted by maxorator
    Using strings:
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    int main(){
        std::string s;
        std::cout << "Type 'hello': ";
        std::cin >> s;
            std::cout << "You typed 'hello'!";
            std::cout << "You didn't type 'hello'.";
        return 0;
    This one seems to be esier for me to understand, and more suitable for my question. Because the question needs me to write a programme where if a name, out of a given choice is input-ed, certain data will be output-ed.
    Also I don't under stand this.

    So... would this work!?...
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    int main(){
        std::string s;
        std::cout << "Type in one of the names given below: ";
        std::cout << "'name1', 'name2', 'name3', 'name4'";
        std::cin >> s;
            std::cout << "Relation: Father";
    	std::cout << "Height: ...";
    	std::cout << "weight: ...";
    	std::cout << "Hair: ...";
            std::cout << "Relation: Mother";
    	std::cout << "Height: ...";
    	std::cout << "weight: ...";
    	std::cout << "Hair: ...";
            std::cout << "Relation: Sister";
    	std::cout << "Height: ...";
    	std::cout << "weight: ...";
    	std::cout << "Hair: ...";
            std::cout << "Relation: Brother";
    	std::cout << "Height: ...";
    	std::cout << "weight: ...";
    	std::cout << "Hair: ...";
            std::cout << "The name typed in isn't a family member";
        return 0;
    The red one was taken from the above post.... I just use it but i actually don't know what it does... Could someone pleas explain. But I'll read up on it anyway.

    Sorry, but again, I'm at home. No C++. So I can't check whether it's working. Right now I will be having a holiday so my next class will be on next thursday(26th) and friday(but I won't have the time to use the lab on friday) and I ive labout an hour away from my universtity... So I was planning to get the correct code before then, and test it there and then and complete it before I have to pass it up. Which is on the following tuesday. Again sapperated by week ends.

    So, if I'm not being a niusance and if any of you don't mind.... could you please test my code?....

  15. #15
    Registered User
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    std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max() is equal to the maximum value of a variable of type std::streamsize.

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