I'm having some trouble with a simple little program i made. I was in Geometry and we had just got some formulas, and i could do them all in my head but everyone else was having trouble with them. So i knew there was a better way and then i came home and made this program. It is used to find the midpoint between two points on a coordinate gride or w/e its called =p.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int R, T, Y, U, A, B;

cout<<"Hello.  Please enter X1:";
cin>> R;
cout<< "Now X2:";
cin>> T;
cout<< "Now Y1:";
cin>> Y;
cout<< "Finally Y2:";
cin>> U;
A = R + T;
B = Y + U;
A = A / 2;
B = B / 2;
cout<<"The midpoint of the two points is [";
cout<< A <<",";
cout<< B;
cout<< "]";

cin.get ();

The problem is that the program doesnt put out decimals so it's essentially useless.

I also created this program which is used to find the distance between two points.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int R, T, Y, U, A, B, C, D, E, M;

    cout<< "Hello Please enter X1:";
    cin>> R ;
    cout<< "Now X2:";
    cin>> T;
    cout<< "Y1:";
    cin>> Y;
    cout<< "Now finally Y2:";
    cin>> U;
    cin.ignore ();
    A = R - T;
    B = Y - U;
    C = A * A;
    D = B * B;
    E = C + D;
    cout<< "Square this number to get the distance :" << E <<"\n";
    cout<< "Would you like to find the distance of another number (1 y, 2 n)";
    cin>> M;
    if ( M == 1 ) {
          cout<< "Hello Please enter X1:" ;
    cin>> R ;
    cout<< "Now X2:";
    cin>> T;
    cout<< "Y1:";
    cin>> Y;
    cout<< "Now finally Y2:";
    cin>> U;
    cin.ignore ();
    A = R - T;
    B = Y - U;
    C = A * A;
    D = B * B;
    E = C + D;
    cout<< "Square this number to get the distance :" << E <<"\n";
    cout<< "Thanks for using the program!"<<"\n";
   cin.get ();
    else if ( M == 2 ){
My knowledge of C++ is very limited, i only got about 5 or 6 lessons in on the tutorials and then school started taking over my life. Any help with my problem is greatly appreciated ^_^ (ALso i realize that this is probably very sloppy coding so i'm sorry in advance)