Hello I have an assignment that I pretty much finished heres some of the output is as follows:

Property Type: RNT
Cost: 1500 dollors
Contains: 2 bedrooms
Days On Market: 20 days
Address: 560 Rumproast road

Converting RNT into a RNT..........
ERROR this property is alreay a rental

I want it to number the property type. for example I want it to say "property type 1: RNT, property type 2: RNT. ect.

I cant figure out how to do that without it displaying a garbage number. Heres my source code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#define DATA 10

class properties
       //char *p_pointer[10];
	   char type[DATA];
	   //char RNT[10];
	   int price;
	   int bedrooms;
	   int days_on_market;
	   char address[50];
	  properties() {}
	  properties(char typ[], int pri, int bedrm, int days_on_m, char addr[]);
      char* get_type();
	  char* get_address();
	  int get_price();
	  int get_days_on_market();
	  void convert_to_rental();
	  void print_listing();
	  void set_property(char typ[], int pri, int bedrm, int days_on_m,char addr[]);

int main()
	using std::cin;
	using std::cout;
	using std::endl;
    properties prop1("RNT", 1500, 2, 20, "560 Rumproast road");
    properties prop2("CND", 2000, 4, 60, "203 lumix vile");

	return 0;

//----------- Method definitions of class "properties"--------------

properties::properties(char typ[], int pri, int bedrm,int days_on_m, char addr[])
   strcpy(type, typ);
   price= pri;
   bedrooms = bedrm;
   days_on_market = days_on_m;
   strcpy(address, addr);


int properties::get_price()
	return price;

char* properties::get_type()
   return type;

char* properties::get_address()
   return address;

void properties::convert_to_rental()
   using std::cout;
   using std::endl;
   cout<<"Converting"<<" "<<type<<" "<<"into a rental......"<<endl;
   if (strcmp(type, "RNT") == 0)
      cout<<"ERROR this property is already a rental"<<endl<<endl;
   if (strcmp(type, "RNT") != 0)
	   price /= 300;
	   days_on_market = 1;
	   strcpy(type, "RNT");
   cout<<"This property is now a:"<<" " <<type<<endl;
   cout<<"Cost:"<<" "<<price<<" "<<"dollors"<<endl;
   cout<<"Contains:"<<" "<<bedrooms<<" "<<"bedrooms"<<endl;
   cout<<"Days On Market:"<<" "<<days_on_market<<" "<<"days"<<endl;
   cout<<"Address:"<<" "<<address<<endl<<endl;

int properties::get_days_on_market()
   return days_on_market;

void properties::print_listing()
   using std::endl;
   using std::cout;

   cout<<"Property Type:"<<" " <<type<<endl;
   cout<<"Cost:"<<" "<<price<<" "<<"dollors"<<endl;
   cout<<"Contains:"<<" "<<bedrooms<<" "<<"bedrooms"<<endl;
   cout<<"Days On Market:"<<" "<<days_on_market<<" "<<"days"<<endl;
   cout<<"Address:"<<" "<<address<<endl<<endl;


void properties::set_property(char typ[], int pri, int bedrm, int days_on_m, char addr[])
   strcpy(type, typ);
   price= pri;
   bedrooms = bedrm;
   days_on_market = days_on_m;
   strcpy(address, addr);