I am trying to create a program to calculate the Fantasy performances of my players, but I am comming across some problems. Here is my Code so far.
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class RunningBack
        int GetRush(int);
        void SetRush(int rush);
        int itsRush;

int RunningBack::GetRush(int rush)
    cin >> rush;
    return itsRush;

void RunningBack::SetRush(int rush)
     itsRush = rush;

int main()
    RunningBack Back1;
    cout<< "Back number 1 ran for " ;
    cout << Back1.GetRush() << " yards today\n";
      return 0;
The bolded portion gives me the error "no matching function to call RunningBack::GetRush(int)"

I can't get it to display the yards that you input. Also how do I convert these yards to points. The points work like this: for every 20 yards you get 1 point. So if the user inputs 97 it should round off to 4 points.