Hi all!

I'm currently trying to get some experience and understanding of programming in C++ for a University course. I'm a Science student at the moment but i'm hating it and changing over to something along the lines of game design. I suppose that sounds slightly childish or something, but hey it's what i'm interested in.

I know the course uses C++, but it doesn't start until next year so i've been looking for tutorials such as the ones on this site.

I'm currently reading this page http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/lesson1.html and although i totally understand how to change what the program says (duh), i really don't understand much else.

For example, what is <iostream>? There's a brief explanation but that's it, and i really don't understand it.

Is this one of those things where you learn via repetition and experience, or do you use your own intuition? To me it appears as if somebody has pulled the <iostream>, namespace and especially "cout" of of thin air.

How do i find out about this stuff? How do i know what to use and where? Am i stupid?

Help would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: Lovely site and forums you have here too by the way! Thanks!