Thread: Help with getting a string to display.

  1. #1
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    Help with getting a string to display.

    I've got a program that's supposed to take a description, serial number and price for an item. Then sort by highest price, and display the new order.

    Everything works(thanks to several dozen searches through the board/source codes here) except for displaying the description string at the end. I'm thinking(and I may be totally off base here) that it's something to do with buffers, but I just can't figure it out.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. THANKS!

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <iomanip>
    #define SWAP(a,b)   { double t; t=a; a=b; b=t; }  // Macros for Bubble Sort swapping
    #define STRINGSWAP(c,d)   {string t; t=c; c=d; d=t;} 
    #define INDEX 8
    using namespace std;
    const int MAX_NUM_PURCHASES = 50;
    void get_all_purchases(double price[], double serialNum[], string descript[], int numPurchases);
    void bubble_srt(double price[], double serialNum[], string descript[], int numPurchases);
    void print_top_purchases(double price[], double serialNum[], string descript[], int numPurchases);
    int main()
        double price[MAX_NUM_PURCHASES];
        double serialNum[MAX_NUM_PURCHASES];  
        string descript[MAX_NUM_PURCHASES];
        int numPurchases;
           cout << "How many purchases do you have? ";
           cin >> numPurchases;
           if (numPurchases <= 0 || numPurchases > MAX_NUM_PURCHASES)
                cout << "Must be between 1 and "<< MAX_NUM_PURCHASES << "\n";
        }while (numPurchases > MAX_NUM_PURCHASES || numPurchases <= 0);
        get_all_purchases(price, serialNum, descript, numPurchases);
        return (0);
    void get_all_purchases(double price[], double serialNum[], string descript[], int numPurchases)
        for (int i=0; i < numPurchases; i++)
            cout << "\n\nInput the description: ";
            getline(cin, descript[i]);
            std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
            cout << "Input the serial number: ";
            cin >> serialNum[i];
                cout << "Input the price: ";
                cin >> price[i];
                if(price <= 0)
                         cout << "Must be greater than zero\n";
            }while(price[i] <=0);
        }//! End of for loop over items-purchased input.
        bubble_srt(price, serialNum, descript, numPurchases);
    Bubble Sort source code found at
    void bubble_srt( double price[], double serialNum[], string descript[], int numPurchases )  
        int i, j;
        for(i = 0; i < numPurchases; i++)         // Make a pass through the array for each element
            for(j = 1; j < (numPurchases-i); j++) // Go through the array beginning to end
               if(price[j-1] < price[j])          // If the the first number is greater, swap it 
        }//! End of for loop passing through each element
        print_top_purchases(price, serialNum, descript, numPurchases);
    void print_top_purchases(double price[], double serialNum[], string descript[], int numPurchases)
         int numPrint;
         if(numPurchases < 5)
              numPrint = numPurchases;
              numPrint = 5;
         for(int i = 0; i < numPrint; i++)
                 cout << (i+1) << ". " << setw(6) << price[i] << "   " << setw(6) 
                 << serialNum[i] << "   " << setw(15) << descript[i] << endl;  /*this is where it    doesn't work, searched for hours, can't figure it out.*/

  2. #2
    Cat without Hat CornedBee's Avatar
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    You never call print_top_purchases().

    By the way, get rid of that bubblesort and the swap macros. Use std::sort and std::swap instead. Use an array of structs instead of three parallel arrays. Even better, use a vector of structs.

    (Note: those are things you can do incrementally as you improve. But you will have to use structs before you can use std::sort.)
    All the buzzt!

    "There is not now, nor has there ever been, nor will there ever be, any programming language in which it is the least bit difficult to write bad code."
    - Flon's Law

  3. #3
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    > if(price[j-1] < price[j]) // If the the first number is greater, swap it
    > {
    > SWAP(price[j-1],price[j]);
    > SWAP(serialNum[j-1],serialNum[j]);
    > STRINGSWAP(descript[j-1],descript[j]);
    > }
    Shouldn't this be:
               if(price[i] < price[j])          // If the the first number is greater, swap it 
    > bubble_srt(price, serialNum, descript, numPurchases);
    > print_top_purchases(price, serialNum, descript, numPurchases);
    I would move both of these function calls into main after get_all_purchases.

  4. #4
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    Thanks swoopy, you're right about te j-1 is the same as i. I just took that directly from the source code section here.

    I'll try calling them from main when I get to a computer with a compiler.

    edit: I tried both of those, and double checked my code to make sure I wasn't loosing my string array somewhere. Everything checks out. The program sorts by price and outputs bot price and serial number in a table. But no description. That's what was making me think it was some kind of output buffer.
    Last edited by System_159; 09-01-2006 at 07:38 PM.

  5. #5
    Frequently Quite Prolix dwks's Avatar
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    Since you have using namespace std, you can drop the std::.

    You never assign anything to descript in main(), so it won't print any descriptions.

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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by dwks

    You never assign anything to descript in main(), so it won't print any descriptions.

    It's assigned a value in get_all_values, which calls bubble_sort, which calls print_top_purchases. Since it's passed through each function as a parameter, shouldn't it survive and be able to be printed? Both price and serialNum make it, and they're assigned in the same place as descript.

    Sorry, I'm not trying to be contrary, just want to understand .

  7. #7
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    What's happening is that, because there's a newline left in the input buffer after:
          cin >> numPurchases;
    Consequently, the program is skipping right over the getline. There are several different ways to fix this, but the idea is to use cin.ignore to eat the newline still in the input buffer. For example, you could move the cin.ignore above the getline.
    void get_all_purchases(double price[], double serialNum[], string descript[], int numPurchases)
        for (int i=0; i < numPurchases; i++)
            cout << "\n\nInput the description: ";
            std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
            getline(cin, descript[i]);
            cout << "Input the serial number: ";
            cin >> serialNum[i];
                cout << "Input the price: ";
                cin >> price[i];
                if(price <= 0)
                         cout << "Must be greater than zero\n";
            }while(price[i] <=0);
        }//! End of for loop over items-purchased input.
        bubble_srt(price, serialNum, descript, numPurchases);

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by swoopy
    Consequently, the program is skipping right over the getline. There are several different ways to fix this, but the idea is to use cin.ignore to eat the newline still in the input buffer. For example, you could move the cin.ignore above the getline.
    Close! I tried that, and it didn't work. So I just tried something on a whim.

    I just deleted the
    part. Now it works perfectly. I guess the cin.clear() was actually clearing out everything I put in

    This is the new function.

    void get_all_purchases(double price[], double serialNum[], string descript[], int numPurchases)
        for (int i=0; i < numPurchases; i++)
            cout << "\n\nInput the description: ";      
            std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
            getline(cin, descript[i]);
            cout << "Input the serial number: ";
            cin >> serialNum[i];
                cout << "Input the price: ";
                cin >> price[i];
                if(price <= 0)
                         cout << "Must be greater than zero\n";
            }while(price[i] <=0);
        }//! End of for loop over items-purchased input.
        bubble_srt(price, serialNum, descript, numPurchases);

    Thanks for the help!

  9. #9
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    > return;
    And this return at the end of get_all_purchases is unnecessary. Once the function ends, the program will automatically return to the statement following its invocation.

  10. #10
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    Glad to hear you got it working. I ran it with the Borland compiler, and it worked with sync and clear, but haven't run it with Dev-Cpp.

  11. #11
    すまん Hikaru's Avatar
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    Please excuse my rudeness, System_159. I'm going to point out some things I think could be improved in your program.
    Quote Originally Posted by System_159
    #define SWAP(a,b)   { double t; t=a; a=b; b=t; }  // Macros for Bubble Sort swapping
    #define STRINGSWAP(c,d)   {string t; t=c; c=d; d=t;}
    I'm told that macros are bad in C++. You should avoid them. Templates and inlining can replace both of those macros with one function.
    template <class Type>
    void Swap(Type& a, Type& b)
      Type temp = a;
      a = b;
      b = temp;
    This is good, but C++ already has a swap function just like it if you include <algorithm>.
    Quote Originally Posted by System_159
    using namespace std;
    This should never be used in the global scope. It was designed to help older code transition to newer compilers with namespaces, not for making new code more convenient. You should only do it inside of functions and only with the smallest possible scope. What I do is use std:: with the name if I only use it once and a "using std::name;" with the smallest scope if I use it more than once.
    Quote Originally Posted by System_159
        double price[MAX_NUM_PURCHASES];
        double serialNum[MAX_NUM_PURCHASES];  
        string descript[MAX_NUM_PURCHASES];
    When you have more than one array and they're all related, you should be using a class. Then you can have an array of objects that are easier to use.
    class Purchase
        Purchase(double cost, double serial, string descr)
            : price(cost), serialNum(serial), description(descr) {}
        // stuff users can do with a purchase
        double price;
        double serialNum;
        string description;
    Quote Originally Posted by System_159
        int numPurchases;
           cout << "How many purchases do you have? ";
           cin >> numPurchases;
           if (numPurchases <= 0 || numPurchases > MAX_NUM_PURCHASES)
                cout << "Must be between 1 and "<< MAX_NUM_PURCHASES << "\n";
        }while (numPurchases > MAX_NUM_PURCHASES || numPurchases <= 0);
    C++ has a vector class that makes arrays easier to use. You should prefer C++ classes and functions over doing things manually because it's shorter, safer, and probably faster too.
    Quote Originally Posted by System_159
    void get_all_purchases(double price[], double serialNum[], string descript[], int numPurchases)
        for (int i=0; i < numPurchases; i++)
            cout << "\n\nInput the description: ";
            getline(cin, descript[i]);
            std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
            cout << "Input the serial number: ";
            cin >> serialNum[i];
                cout << "Input the price: ";
                cin >> price[i];
                if(price <= 0)
                         cout << "Must be greater than zero\n";
            }while(price[i] <=0);
        }//! End of for loop over items-purchased input.
        bubble_srt(price, serialNum, descript, numPurchases);
    You don't need cin.clear or cin.sync, and a better place for bubble_srt is in main. If you're allowed to do it, come up with a way to set up purchases so that they're all on one line. Then you can read a line with getline and break it up with a stringstream. If you get rid of the cout messages then you can take an ostream as a parameter and be able to use this function for reading from a file too.
    Quote Originally Posted by System_159
    Bubble Sort source code found at
    void bubble_srt( double price[], double serialNum[], string descript[], int numPurchases )  
        int i, j;
        for(i = 0; i < numPurchases; i++)         // Make a pass through the array for each element
            for(j = 1; j < (numPurchases-i); j++) // Go through the array beginning to end
               if(price[j-1] < price[j])          // If the the first number is greater, swap it 
        }//! End of for loop passing through each element
        print_top_purchases(price, serialNum, descript, numPurchases);
    A better place for print_top_purchases is in main. C++ also already has a sort function that's a lot faster than bubble sort. If you use a class for purchases then you can overload the < operator and std::sort will work with it.
    Quote Originally Posted by System_159
    void print_top_purchases(double price[], double serialNum[], string descript[], int numPurchases)
         int numPrint;
         if(numPurchases < 5)
              numPrint = numPurchases;
              numPrint = 5;
         for(int i = 0; i < numPrint; i++)
                 cout << (i+1) << ". " << setw(6) << price[i] << "   " << setw(6) 
                 << serialNum[i] << "   " << setw(15) << descript[i] << endl;
    numPrint should be a parameter, and if you use a vector then you don't have to pass the size. You can overload the << operator for your class and make the cout statement shorter.

    Last, it's always better to use a namespace for all but main if you can. I'm pretty sure of that at least. I'm still waiting for a few people to confirm it, but it makes the most sense to me.

    I ended up rewriting your program using my suggestions and it's completely different. I'm sorry.
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <sstream>
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
    // add interfaces to the namespace
    namespace PurchaseProgram
        using std::vector;
        class Purchase;
        void getPurchases(std::istream& is, vector<Purchase>& purchases, char delim);
        void printFirstN(const vector<Purchase>& purchases, int n);
    int main()
        std::vector<PurchaseProgram::Purchase> purchases;
        std::ifstream is("purchases.txt");
        if (is)
            // print the 5 least expensive purchases
            getPurchases(is, purchases, '|');
            sort(purchases.begin(), purchases.end());
            printFirstN(purchases, 5);
        return 0;
    // add implementations to the namespace
    namespace PurchaseProgram
        using std::string;
        using std::ostream;
        class Purchase
            Purchase(double cost, double serial, string descr)
                : price(cost), serialNum(serial), description(descr) {}
            // overload less than to make Purchase sortable with std::sort
            bool operator<(const Purchase& purchase)
                return price < purchase.price;
            // let users write without breaking encapsulation
            friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Purchase& purchase)
                using std::setw;
                return os << setw(6) << purchase.price << "   "
                    << setw(6) << purchase.serialNum << "   "
                    << setw(15) << purchase.description;
            double price;
            double serialNum;
            string description;
        void getPurchases(std::istream& is, vector<Purchase>& purchases, char delim)
            string line;
            while (getline(is, line))
                std::stringstream iss(line);
                string description;
                double serial;
                double price;
                // break up purchases with items separated by delim
                // ex. delim = '|', line = "Teddy Bear|99999|9.99"
                getline(iss, description, delim);
                iss >> serial;
                iss >> price;
                // add a new purchase to the list
                purchases.push_back(Purchase(price, serial, description));
        void printFirstN(const vector<Purchase>& purchases, int n)
            vector<Purchase>::const_iterator iter;
            int i = 0;
            for (iter = purchases.begin(); iter != purchases.end(); ++iter)
                // don't print more than n purchases
                if (i++ >= n)
                std::cout << i << ". " << *iter << "\n";

  12. #12
    Frequently Quite Prolix dwks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by System_159
    It's assigned a value in get_all_values, which calls bubble_sort, which calls print_top_purchases. Since it's passed through each function as a parameter, shouldn't it survive and be able to be printed? Both price and serialNum make it, and they're assigned in the same place as descript.

    Sorry, I'm not trying to be contrary, just want to understand .
    Indeed it is. Sorry, I missed that.

    Seek and ye shall find. quaere et invenies.

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  13. #13
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    Hikaru, not being rude at all. I'm a novice, and you're trying to point out my mistakes. I appreciate it very much.

    I may be able to implement some of your suggestions, but as I'm doing this for a class I want to be sure I understand everything before I submit it. I've not done anything with templates or vectors before so I'll have to research before I put them in. And we're not supposed to be using classes yet (doing reveiw of procedural programming before moving on to OOD).

    Thanks for the help, though!

  14. #14
    Its hard... But im here swgh's Avatar
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    Macros with #define are a throw back to the C language.
    constants are used in place of them in C++.
    As you get more confident and learn more, you will drop old-style program modes like
    structs and macros and learn to use classes, constants and the STL, ( standard template library) a collection of vectors, itrerators and algoritthms to make life easier

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