Hello everyone!
This is my first post here and I have to say that I am very glad to have found this website.

My problem, however simple it may seem to you, has baffled me for a week now, and I have scoured the Internet for an answer to no avail. I just started seriously programming things that my friends and I find useful, and have hit a road block in my latest project.

The program is supposed to read a notepad file, line by line, and use those lines to perform an action. It's sort of an attempt to make a very simplified language for them to be able to give it some simple instructions.

I hit my difficulties when I actually try to split up the notepad file. My problem is the fact that I have no idea how =P. I want to check each line of the .txt file one by one, and assign each of those to it's own string. Here's what I have so far (this only reads the first line)

I've posted only the code relevent to my question, this only prints the line on screen.

    ifstream fp_in;  
    ofstream fp_out;
    fp_in.open(filename, ios::in);   
    fp_in >> mystring;
    cout << "First line is as follows: ";
    cout <<  mystring;
So my question is simple, how can I modify this to read other lines of that same file?

Many many thanks to those who read or help!