I am having a problem with creating a remote thread. I create the remote thread to load a library. It does so succesfully. In the remote thread i then have it get the address of a function, thats where it fails.. Code of the remote thread below.

I did not include the code to prepare the remote thread, i'm pretty sure my problem isn't there

typedef FARPROC (__stdcall *PGetProcAddress)(HMODULE, LPCSTR);

struct RemoteThreadBlock
	// Variable that will return the module handle and function address
	HMODULE				hModule;
	FARPROC				fFunctionAddress;

	// Function that loads the library and gets the function address
	PLoadLibraryW		fnLoadLibrary;
	PGetProcAddress		fnGetProcAddress;

	// The path to the library we will be loading and the function
	wchar_t				lpModulePath[_MAX_PATH];
	LPCSTR				lpFunctionName;

DWORD __stdcall RemoteThread (RemoteThreadBlock*);
BOOL TestFunction ();

BOOL TestFunction ()
	return 0;

DWORD __stdcall RemoteThread (RemoteThreadBlock* ExecuteBlock)
	HMODULE hModule;

	// Load our library and return the module handle
	hModule = (*ExecuteBlock->fnLoadLibrary)(ExecuteBlock->lpModulePath);
	ExecuteBlock->fFunctionAddress = (*ExecuteBlock->fnGetProcAddress)(hModule, "TestFunction");

	return 0;
I've been fighting with this thing for 3 weeks not, rewriting every piece of code. Any ideas?