I've been working on a very simple exercise meant to show how to use header files. The program takes a user specified range of temperatures and displays a three column table of the tempuratures converted into two different forms, the functions that actually do the conversion are stored in a header file , I am programming using Pico through the terminal in OS X and compiling using g++. Here is the code for my header (convert.h):

#ifndef CONVERT_H
#define CONVERT_H

double celsius_of(int fahr);
double ab_value_of(int fahr);

The code for the headers cpp file. "convert.cpp"


using namespace std;

double celsius_of(int fahr)
return (static_cast<double>(5)/9) * (fahr - 32);

double ab_value_of(int fahr)
return ((static_cast<double>(5)/9) * (fahr - 32)) + 273.15;
And the code for the main program:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

void print_prelim_message()
cout << "This program outputs a list of temperatures converted into various forms" << endl;

void print_message_echoing_input(int lower,int upper,int step)
cout << "A chart of temperatures between " << lower << " and " << upper << " in the increment of " << step << " is as follows:" << endl;

int print_table(int lower,int upper,int step)
cout << setw(10) << "Fahrenheit" << setw(10) << "Celsius" << setw(10) << "Kelvin" << endl;
for (; lower <= upper; lower = lower+step)
cout << setw(10) << lower << setw(10) << celsius_of(lower) << setw(10) << ab_value_of(lower) << endl ;

int main ()

int lower = 0;
int upper = 0;
int step = 1;


cout << "Please enter a minimum temp." << endl;
cin >> lower;
cout << "Please enter a maximum temp." << endl;
cin >> upper;
cout << "Please enter an increment." << endl;
cin >> step;

print_message_echoing_input(lower, upper, step);
print_table(lower, upper, step);
return 0;
I've gone over the syntax about a million times, yet when I try to compile it g++ spits out the following error:

/usr/bin/ld: Undefined Symbols:
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I have no idea what's going wrong.