Thread: Not sure what STL function I am looking for

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2005

    Not sure what STL function I am looking for

    I have been cruising through SGI's STL website:

    I have a complex data structure X that only defines operator==(). I have a std::vector<X>, and I am trying to find the unique elements of this vector, using std::unique.

    I can use std::unique on this data structure if data type X defines operator==(), but std::unique also requires that similar entires are grouped together. For an integral type, calling std::sort will do this for me, such as this bunch of code:

    //MatRef is an std::vector<int>
    std::sort(MatRef.begin(), MatRef.end());
    std::vector<X>::iterator	RetVal;
    //This should be renamed to 'NewEnd'
    RetVal = std::unique(MatRef.begin(),MatRef.end());
    I am looking for a function contained in <algorithm> that will group identical entires of a complex data structure together

    Here is what I am trying to achieve:
    void	NT_MODEL::BuildFromMS3DModel(CMS3D_MODEL	&	model)
    	std::vector<NT_VERTEX>	all_model_vertexes; //not necessarily unique at this point
    	std::vector<NT_VERTEX>	unique_vertexes;
    	//In order for unique to work, operator== must be overloaded, and the entries must be 'sorted'
    	//which, in this case, means all of the same vertexes are grouped together
    	//works on any data structure that defines operator == 
    	//std::sort(all_model_vertexes.begin(),all_model_vertexes.end());//doh, can't do this
    	std::vector<NT_VERTEX>::iterator	new_end = 
    I could easily write my own implementation of this, but I have a hard time believing this isn't already implemented in the stl.
    I'm not immature, I'm refined in the opposite direction.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Aug 2005
    std::sort can sort any kind of objects -- all you have to do is define your own operator. Here is an example that I use

    struct IAscendingSort
         bool operator()(const COLS& rpStart,const COLS& rpEnd)
    		 int s1 = atoi(rpStart[SortCol].c_str());
    		 int s2 = atoi(rpEnd[SortCol].c_str());
    		  bool val = s1 < s2;
    		  // If not sorting by tcn or palid, and the previous comparison
    		  // was true, then check the tcn or pallet id.
    		  if(SortCol != 1 && s1 == s2)
    				val = rpStart[1] < rpEnd[1];
    		  return val;

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2005
    Hmm, this is still somewhat confusing to me. I simply do not see how I could implement an operator(), according to what sort requires, in a way that I can get it to put a complex non-integral type such that the same entries are grouped next to each other.

    But, I am just simply going to write my own routine to accomplish that much, and the rest from the stl will work according to plan!

    I wrote this, seems to work, and I don't actually think that I could write operator() in such a way that would guarantee what I am looking for, otherwise this may be overkill:

    	//Make sure that similar groupings are next to each other, so that unique() will work
    	for(std::vector<NT_VERTEX>::iterator	ptr = all_model_vertexes.begin()+1; ptr != all_model_vertexes.end(); ptr++)
    		NT_VERTEX	&	prev_ref = *(ptr-1);
    		if(prev_ref == *ptr)
    			continue;	//these entries already in order
    			for(std::vector<NT_VERTEX>::iterator in_ptr = ptr+1; in_ptr != all_model_vertexes.end(); in_ptr++)
    				if(*in_ptr == prev_ref)
    Last edited by BobMcGee123; 07-04-2006 at 04:31 PM.
    I'm not immature, I'm refined in the opposite direction.

  4. #4
    (?<!re)tired Mario F.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    You couldn't use the operator() solely, no. But std::sort relies on the < operator for vectors.

    A combination of an overloaded operator< and a object function like suggested by ancient dragon will do this for you.

    EDIT: Actually you might not even need to create an object function. Once you define how your complex class objects relate to each other by overloading the < operator, a normal std:sort will work as expected.
    Last edited by Mario F.; 07-04-2006 at 05:01 PM.
    Originally Posted by brewbuck:
    Reimplementing a large system in another language to get a 25% performance boost is nonsense. It would be cheaper to just get a computer which is 25% faster.

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