Thread: this pointer

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  1. #1
    left crog... back when? incognito's Avatar
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    Oct 2001

    this pointer

    // Listing 10.15
    // Copy constructors

    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    class CAT
    CAT(); // default constructor
    // copy constructor and destructor elided!
    int GetAge() const { return *itsAge; }
    int GetWeight() const { return *itsWeight; }
    void SetAge(int age) { *itsAge = age; }
    CAT & operator=(const CAT &);

    int *itsAge;
    int *itsWeight;

    itsAge = new int;
    itsWeight = new int;
    *itsAge = 5;
    *itsWeight = 9;

    CAT & CAT:perator=(const CAT & rhs)
    if (this == &rhs)
    return *this;// which object is this pointing to?
    *itsAge = rhs.GetAge();
    *itsWeight = rhs.GetWeight();
    return *this;

    int main()
    CAT frisky;
    cout << "frisky's age: " << frisky.GetAge() << endl;
    cout << "Setting frisky to 6...\n";
    CAT whiskers;
    cout << "whiskers' age: " << whiskers.GetAge() << endl;
    cout << "copying frisky to whiskers...\n";
    whiskers = frisky;
    cout << "whiskers' age: " << whiskers.GetAge() << endl;
    return 0;
    There are some real morons in this world please do not become one of them, do not become a victim of moronitis. PROGRAMMING IS THE FUTURE...THE FUTURE IS NOW!!!!!!!!!

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  2. #2
    geek SilentStrike's Avatar
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    In this line

    whiskers = frisky;

    *this is whiskers. If the equality is true, then it's obviously both whiskers and frisky of them (they are pointers to the same value).

    I'd say make the assignment operator return void, so that only one assignment can be made per line. Returning a value makes things like this possible.

    Cat whiskers;
    Cat Joe;
    Cat blue;
    Cat gray;
    whiskers = blue = Joe = gray;  // ugly
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  3. #3
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    Somebody is being reading TYC++21D...

    Anyway, what's so horrible with
    x = y = z;

    I find it rather handy in some rare situations. IMO it is even more readable than
    x = y;
    z = x;
    x = y;
    z = y;

  4. #4
    left crog... back when? incognito's Avatar
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    so basically it says.....
    If whiskers (this) is the same as frisky (&rhs) then return whiskers(why must whiskers be returned in the first place)...( we assign the values of frisky to whiskers ) and then return the value of whiskers?

    PS: this is probably wrong but it's just to ilustrate how I want to vew this, to get the hang of it, breaking it down into words....make any changes deemed necessary place, and put into words so I can understand it.

    XPS (extra PS):

    Yes I am reading Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 days (fourth editions btw).

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    CAT & CATerator=(const CAT & rhs)
    if (this == &rhs)
    return *this;// which object is this pointing to?
    *itsAge = rhs.GetAge();
    *itsWeight = rhs.GetWeight();
    return *this;

    so basically it says.....
    If whiskers (this) is the same as frisky (&rhs) then return whiskers(why must whiskers be returned in the first place)...( we assign the values of frisky to whiskers ) and then return the value of whiskers?
    Yes that is correct. The value of wiskers must be returned so complex statements using = can be evaluated
    here are some examples
    if( (wiskers=frisky) == someothercat )
    somenewcat = wiskers = frisky;

    In that first example, wiskers would be set to the same as frisky, then it would be compared to someothercat. And the comparson would use the return value
    In the second example the return value from copying frisky to wiskers, is then copyed to somenewcat

    That line prevents this from happening

    Cat1 = Cat1;

    What is the point of copying the same data over?
    In a simple class like this there is not a problem, but what if you have a class where dynamic memory is used this can help out
    check out this sample code
    class Test
       char * str;
      Test( char * s )
       str = new char[strlen(s)+1];
      Test & operator=(const Test & rhs)
       delete[] str;
       str = NULL;
       str = new char[strlen(rhs.str)+1];
    In that code if you did
    Test a("Hello");
    You would have a problem. The =operator would delete the str, but since the rhs variable is the same one that *this points to, rhs.str is now null. So copying the string over will result in a null string. I hope this isint confusing you.

    Basically you need that check in your class if its a more advanced class, that is using memory allocation. Just put it in, it is good style

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    I've done quite a bit of programming, in several languages, and I've yet to find a purpose for *this. WHAT IS IT USEFUL FOR!!!

  7. #7
    S­énior Member
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    elchulo2002's original example gives one use for it and RpiMatty's reply gave the reason. You need to check for self assignment when implementing operator=() if you're using dynamic memory from within your class. You wouldn't want to de-allocate the memory if you're just about to copy from it.

    Whenever you need to know the address of an object from within one of it's methods you'd need to use it.

  8. #8
    geek SilentStrike's Avatar
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    To each their own.

    "Anyway, what's so horrible with
    x = y = z;"

    It looks ugly. It requires some thought from me to see that x and y are being assigned to z, and x is not being assigned to y.
    Prove you can code in C++ or C# at TopCoder, referrer rrenaud
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