Thread: Date/Time to String?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Jun 2006

    Date/Time to String?


    Is there a way to get a field out of an access database which is in DateTime format to be displayed on screen as a string? I'm using Borland C++. I've tried this but it doesnt work:

    this->SearchLoanStartEdit->Text = searchQuery->FieldByName("rented")->AsString;
    With this code, I get a data mismatch error.


  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    > With this code, I get a data mismatch error.
    Paste the exact text.
    Some compilers report "can't convert <sometype> to <someothertype>"
    Knowing what the types actually are (how you declared things) might make it a lot easier to tell you how to fix it.

    Some declarations would help as well, we can't psychicly guess what you wrote.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Here is the entire block of code. The database it is getting the info from is an MS Access database and the rented field is a Date/Time datatype.

    void __fastcall TMainForm::SearchResultsListBoxClick(TObject *Sender)
            TADOQuery *searchQuery = new TADOQuery(this);
                    searchQuery->Connection = DataModule1->ADOConnection1;
                    if(search_type == 0)
                            searchQuery->SQL->Text = "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE uid = "+IntToStr((int)this->SearchResultsListBox->Items->Objects[this->SearchResultsListBox->ItemIndex]);
                            searchQuery->Active = true;
                            if(searchQuery->Active && searchQuery->RecordCount > 0)
                                    this->SearchNameEdit->Text = searchQuery->FieldByName("contact_name")->AsString;
                                    this->SearchAddressEdit->Text = searchQuery->FieldByName("street")->AsString;
                                    this->SearchTownEdit->Text = searchQuery->FieldByName("town")->AsString;
                                    this->SearchCityEdit->Text = searchQuery->FieldByName("city")->AsString;
                                    this->SearchPostcodeEdit->Text = searchQuery->FieldByName("postcode")->AsString;
                                    this->SearchTelephoneEdit->Text = searchQuery->FieldByName("telephone")->AsString;
                    else if(search_type == 1)
                            searchQuery->SQL->Text = "SELECT * FROM videos WHERE uid = "+IntToStr((int)this->SearchResultsListBox->Items->Objects[this->SearchResultsListBox->ItemIndex]);
                            searchQuery->ParamCheck = false;
                            searchQuery->Active = true;
                            if(searchQuery->Active && searchQuery->RecordCount > 0)
                                    this->SearchTitleEdit->Text = searchQuery->FieldByName("title")->AsString;
                                    searchQuery->Active = false;
                                    searchQuery->SQL->Text = "SELECT Genres.* FROM Genres, Videos WHERE ((Genres.uid)=[Videos].[Genre_ID]) AND videos.uid = "+IntToStr((int)this->SearchResultsListBox->Items->Objects[this->SearchResultsListBox->ItemIndex]);
                                    searchQuery->Active = true;
                                    this->SearchGenreEdit->Text = searchQuery->FieldByName("name")->AsString;
                                    searchQuery->Active = false;
                                    searchQuery->SQL->Text = "SELECT stock.* FROM stock, Videos WHERE ((stock.uid)=[Videos].[in_stock]) AND videos.uid = "+IntToStr((int)this->SearchResultsListBox->Items->Objects[this->SearchResultsListBox->ItemIndex]);
                                    searchQuery->Active = true;
                                    this->SearchStockEdit->Text = searchQuery->FieldByName("stock_status")->AsString;
                                    searchQuery->Active = false;
                                    searchQuery->SQL->Text = "SELECT accounts.*, loans.returned FROM (loans INNER JOIN videos ON loans.video_uid = videos.uid) INNER JOIN accounts ON loans.member_uid = accounts.uid WHERE (((loans.returned)='0') AND ((accounts.uid)=[loans].[member_uid]) AND ((videos.uid)= " + IntToStr((int)this->SearchResultsListBox->Items->Objects[this->SearchResultsListBox->ItemIndex]) + "))";
                                    searchQuery->Active = true;
                                    if(searchQuery->Active && searchQuery->RecordCount > 0)
                                            this->SearchLoanEdit->Text = searchQuery->FieldByName("contact_name")->AsString;
                                            this->SearchLoanEdit->Text = "Video not on loan";
                                    searchQuery->Active = false;
                                    searchQuery->SQL->Text = "SELECT * FROM loans WHERE video_uid = "+IntToStr((int)this->SearchResultsListBox->Items->Objects[this->SearchResultsListBox->ItemIndex]) + " AND returned = '0'";
                                    searchQuery->Active = true;
                                    if(searchQuery->Active && searchQuery->RecordCount > 0)
                                            this->SearchLoanStartEdit->Text = searchQuery->FieldByName("rented")->AsString();
                                        this->SearchLoanStartEdit->Text = "Video not on loan";
            delete searchQuery;
    The error isnt a compiler error, It's a popup dialog error which says "Data type mismatch in criteria expression"


  4. #4
    (?<!re)tired Mario F.'s Avatar
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    May 2006
    It's an SQL Error. You are passing SQL an empty string
    Originally Posted by brewbuck:
    Reimplementing a large system in another language to get a 25% performance boost is nonsense. It would be cheaper to just get a computer which is 25% faster.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Jun 2006
    I know why the error is appearing now. My code is wrong for checking if the selected field is empty or not. How can I do that in SQL?


  6. #6
    Registered User
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    Jun 2006
    I've fixed it now. It was IS NULL.

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