Just so you know, I am a begginer in C++. I have been working on a simple guessing game, but I have a problem. This is my code:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main();
int a = rand(15);
int doit = 8;
int b;
int c;
    cout <<"''Good morning,'' MR MIME says cheerfully from behind the SKARMORY.\n''Would you like to play a game, RED?\nOf course you would.  Now, I will think of a NUMBER\n that could be anything from 0 to 15.\nANYTHING.\nYou will have EIGHT tries to guess the NUMBER.\nI will tell you if it is too HIGH or too LOW.\nReady, RED?''\nMR MIME begins to make odd noises while tilting his hair back.";
                 b = rand(5);
                 if (b == 0){
                       cout<< "''Well...well...well...''  MR MIME begins to cackle menacingly.  \nWhat is your guess?''\n";
                 else if (b == 1){
                       cout<< "''What's that you say?  You want pizza?'' asks MR MIME\nwhile chugging grape juice.  ''Give me your\nguess or the girl dies!''\n";
                 else if (b == 2){
                       cout<< "''I think you've lost your mind.''  MR MIME says, taking out\na coloring book.  ''Guess, and make\nit snappy.\n";
                 else if (b == 3){
                       cout<< "''Don't want to be an American idiot!  Don't want a\nnation that does a new media!''  A sign\nduct-taped on MR MIME's torso reads: ''9v335''\n";
                 else if (b == 4){
                       cout<< "''To guess, or not to guess...That is the question!''\nMR MIME attacks with THROWING A SKULL AT YOU.\nYOU take 24 DAMAGE.\n";
                 else if (b == 5){
                       cout<< "''Green.''  MR MIME points a gun at you.\nMaybe you should guess.\n";
                 cin>> c;
                 if (c == a){
                       cout<< "CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS.  MR MIME kills himself.\n";
                 else if (c > a){
                      cout<< "MR MIME twitches his arm upwards.  He shouts, \n''700 H16H u83R n00b!!!!!!!shiftoneshiftone''\n";
                 else if (c < a){
                      cout<< "''TOOLOWTOOLOWTOOLOWTOOLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''\nMR MIME begins to throw porcelin kittens accross the room.\n";
                 else if (c == 42){
                      cout<< "YOU WON FOR REAL!!!!! THE TRUE PRIZE IS THIS:\nhttp://www.bluefusionx.com/samusman/flash">>
                 doit = (doit - 1)
                 }while (doit > 0);
However, when I compile and run, Dev C++ Returns the following error: too many arguments to function 'int rand'

What have I done wrong?