Im trying to make a class that can hold of the position of something(its x,y,z coords).
I want it to be able to work with any kind of number so i thought id be easy with some typenaming templates for my fuctions and the private variables.

i keep getting:
data member ‘x’ cannot be a member template
data member ‘y’ cannot be a member template
data member ‘z’ cannot be a member template
Im guessing im going about this wrong. Heres the code id like to make more generic. Any advice?

#ifndef __POSITION_H_
#define __POSITION_H_

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class position {
		position(int X=0, int Y=0, int Z=0) {
			set(X, Y, Z);

		// Set position

		void setX(int X) {
			x = X;

		void setY(int Y) {
			y = Y;

		void setZ(int Z) {
			z = Z;

		void set(int X, int Y, int Z) {

		// Get position

		int getX() {
			return x;

		int getY() {
			return y;

		int getZ() {
			return z;

		int x;
		int y;
		int z;
