Hello, I am very new to writing C++ and have started tryign to write a very basic calculator, capable of timesing, dividing, plussing or minusing two whole numbers.

I could be way off with this effort, but this is the code so far. And the only errors I get are when in the 'if' sections and the error is:'ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer'

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()

    int number1;
    char var;
    int number2;
cout<<"Welcome to 'Phil's Calculator'\n";
cout<<"\nPlease choose a number \n";
cin>> number1;
cout<<"\nNow choose your variable. *,/,+ or - \n";
cin>> var;
cout<<"\nAnd finally, choose your second number \n";
cin>> number2;

if ( var == "*") {
            cout<< number1*number2;

else if ( var == "/") {
     cout<< number1/number2;
else if ( var == "+") {
     cout<< number1+number2;
else if ( var == "-") {
     cout<< number1-number2;
else  cout<<"sorry, this program cannot do that";
Hope someone can tell me what i'm doing wrong, and how to fix the error.
