Thread: Undeclared Identifier

  1. #1
    Registered User Kayoss's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Undeclared Identifier

    This date program is supposed to take in the written date
    Date g( January, 12, 1994 ); // written date
    and convert it, displaying it as 01/12/94 and 12/1994 (ordinal, or as some call it, Julian). I'm getting the error "January, undeclared identifier". I'm not sure what is wrong? Thanks in advance for any info.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip> // for setfill and setw
    #include <cstring> // for strings
    using namespace std;
    class Date // typically stored in header file date1.h
          Date( const char* , int , int ); // constructor for January 15, YYYY
          void printJulian() const;  // print date in DDD YYYY format
          void printMDY() const;  // print date in MM/DD/YY
          void printLong() const;  // print date something like June 14, 2006
          ~Date();  // provided to confirm destruction order
          int month;
          int day;
          int year;
          int julian;
          int checkDay( int ) const; // function tests proper day
          int getMonthNumber( const char* ) const; // to compare January to 1 
    }; // end class Date; end of date1.h header file
       const char* monthTable[13] = {"invalid","January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"
    }; // global array
    Date::Date(const char* _month, int _day, int _year) // untested
       year = _year;                 // should validate yr
       month = getMonthNumber(_month);
       day = checkDay( _day );      // validate the day
    void Date::printJulian() const // prints as DDD YYYY (ordinal/gregorian)
       int calculator = 0;
       if (month == 1)
          calculator = 0;
       else if (month == 2)
          calculator = 31;
       else if (month == 3)
          calculator = 59;
       else if (month == 4)
          calculator = 90;
       else if (month == 5)
          calculator = 120;
       else if (month == 6)
          calculator = 151;
       else if (month == 7)
          calculator = 181;
       else if (month == 8)
          calculator = 212;
       else if (month == 9)
          calculator = 243;
       else if (month == 10)
          calculator = 273;
       else if (month == 11)
          calculator = 304;
       else if (month == 12)
          calculator = 334;
       int gregorian;
       gregorian = (day + calculator);
       cout << setfill('0') << setw(3) << gregorian << "/" << year;
    } // end function printJulian
    void Date::printMDY() const // prints as MM/DD/YY
       cout << setfill('0') << setw(2) << month << '/' << setw(2) << day << '/' << setw(2) << year; 
    } // end function print3
    void Date::printLong() const // prints, for example, March 12, 1988 - written format
    	const char* monthArray[13] = {"null","January","February","March","April","May","June","July",
        cout << monthArray[month] << " " << day << ", " << year; 
    } // end function print4
    // output Date object to show when its destructor is called
    } // end ~Date destructor
    // utility function to confirm proper day value based on 
    // month and year; handles leap years, too
    int Date::checkDay( int testDay ) const
       static const int daysPerMonth[ 13 ] = 
          { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
       // determine whether testDay is valid for specified month
       if ( testDay > 0 && testDay <= daysPerMonth[ month ] )
          return testDay;
       // February 29 check for leap year 
       if ( month == 2 && testDay == 29 &&
          ( year % 400 == 0 ||                      
             ( year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 ) ) )
          return testDay;
       cout << "Day " << testDay << " invalid. Set to day 1.\n";
       return 1;  // leave object in consistent state if bad value
    } // end function checkDay; end of date1.cpp
    int Date::getMonthNumber(const char* _month) const
       int key = 0;
          for (int i = 1; i< 13;i++){
             if (!strcmp(_month,monthTable[i]))
                key = i;
       return key;
    int main()
       Date g( January, 12, 1994 ); // fourth date, written
       cout << "\nFourth date entered is: ";
        cout << "\nFourth date in DDD/YYYY (Gregorian) format: ";
       cout << "\nFourth date in MM/DD/YY format: ";
       cout << "\nFourth date in written format: ";
       cout << endl;
       return 0;
    } // end main
    THE redheaded stepchild.

  2. #2
    #define WORLD "sad place" LinuxCoder's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Date g( January, 12, 1994 );
    The function takes written date being the first argument a c-string as you can see in it's declaration:
    Date( const char* , int , int );
    So try calling it as:
    Date g("January",12,1994);
    As without the "" the compiler assumes January is the name of a variable. This ought to do the trick...

    Last edited by LinuxCoder; 04-08-2006 at 07:10 AM.

  3. #3
    Registered User Kayoss's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Thank you so much, yes it works! Glad to see it was simple.
    THE redheaded stepchild.

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