
yesterday, i thought i'd have a "bash" at programming. so here i am.
after reading some tutorials - i thought i'd have a go myself, after some problems with flashing screens .ect (which i fixed by searching the forums) i'm now stuck.

what i would like help with, if you would be so kind, is:

i would like to make the user hit the enter key, before the next line is printed/displayed - as it all comes at once

i would also like to know why, when i run my little ditty, it give me a wierd little code thing
OK richie0x4433c4AKA CorvusVita
even though I'm not getting an error code in DEV-C++

heres the code - its pretty simple stuff

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    char thisisaname[20];       //dont forget the [20] bit idiot
    char secondname[20];

    cout<<"What is your name? ";
    cin>> thisisaname;
    cout<<"Hello "<< thisisaname <<"\n";
    cout<<"Right that's about it for now"<<"\n";
    cout<<"OH! befor you go..."<<"\n";
    cout<<"what's your forum tag?";
    cin>> secondname;
    cout<<"OK "<< thisisaname << cout<<"AKA "<< secondname <<"\n";
    cout<<"I'll see you in the forums";