I need to perform a selectionSort on a two dimensional array of characters and for some reason, although the code is compiling, when I start the executable, nothing happens. Could someone help me please?
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

char initArray();
void selectionSort(char names[20][17]);
int searchName(char names[20][17]);
int binarySearch(char array[1][17], char names[20][17]);

int main()
char initArray();

char initArray()
		const int NUM_NAMES= 20, SIZE = 17;
		char names[NUM_NAMES][SIZE]= {"Collins, Bill", "Smith, Bart", "Allen, Jim", 
									  "Griffin, Jim", "Stamey, Marty", "Rose, Geri",
									  "Taylor, Terri", "Johnson, Jill", 
									  "Allison, Jeff", "Looney, Joe", "Wolfe, Bill", 
									  "James, Jean", "Weaver, Jim", "Pore, Bob", 
									  "Rutherford, Greg", "Javens, Renee", 
									  "Harrison, Rose", "Setzer, Cathy", 
									  "Pike, Gordon", "Holland, Beth"};
		return names[20][17];
void selectionSort(char names[][17])

			int number, startScan[81], minIndex[81], elems;
			elems = 17;
			char minValue[1][17];
			for (number = 0; number < (elems - 1); number++)
				minIndex[81] = number;
				strcpy(minValue[17], names[17]);
				for (int index = number+1; index < elems; index++)

					if (strcmp(names[number], minValue[81]) != 0)
					strcpy(minValue[81], names[number]);
					minIndex[81] = index;
		strcpy(names[index], names[number]);
		strcpy(names[number], minValue[17]);
int searchName(char names[][17])
			char name[1][17];
			int position;
			cout << "Please enter a name putting the last name first.\n";
			cin >> name[0][17];
			binarySearch(name, names);
			cout << name << " was found here: " << position << "\n";
			return position;
int binarySearch(char name[1][17], char names[][17])

int elems = 17,
first = 0,
last = elems - 1,
position = -1;
bool found = false;

while (!found && first <= last)
	middle = (first + last)/2;
	if(strcmp(names[middle], name[17]) == 0)
		found = true;
		position = middle;
	else if 
		(strcmp(names[middle], name[17]) <= 1)
		last = middle - 1;
		first = middle +1;
return position; 