hi guys,

I'm trying to finish my wind smulation project but I'm having problems.

What I'm doing is creating a for loop to display from

0 seconds to 3600 seconds or 1 hour of wind simulation

My first Column displays the Time, and the second column displays the wind result which is a calculation from three inputs.

cin >> Avg_Wind;
cin >> High_Gust;
cin >> Low_Gust;

Upper_Limit = Avg_Windi + High_Gust;
Lower_Limit = Low_Gust;

Avg_Wind = rand_float (Upper_Limit, Lower_Limit);

What I need to do is make some kind of calculation that would increased by 10 the Avg_Wind for a period of 300 seconds.

I created a function on the botton but for some reason it doesn't increased by 10 for a period of 300 seconds and but adds 10 to the wind result for the whole hour
Please give me a hand if you have more questions let me know and I will try to explain better .

Thanks Here's what I have so far
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

void Wind_Speed();
void Wind_Storm();
void Microbursts();
void View_Wind();

double rand_float(double a, double b);
string Make_Stars (int result);
double Small_Storm ( double Wind_Storm ); 
double Microburst ( double result );

double High_Gust;
double Low_Gust;
double Upper_Limit, Lower_Limit;
double Avg_Wind;

int main()
  char selection;

	cout << "   Wind speed simulation by Dilmer Valecillos CS1600-001 " << endl;
  	cout << "   -----------------------------------------------------\n\n"
	     << "   Menu\n"
         << "   ----\n\n"
       	 << "1. Create wind speed simulation \n"
         << "2. Create wind speed with storms \n"
         << "3. Create wind speed with Microbursts \n"
         << "4. View wind simulation \n"
         << "5. Quit\n\n"
         << "   Selection: ";

  	//Get menu selection
  	selection = cin.get();

  	//Process selection
  	switch( selection)
  	  case '\n':		       break;
	  case '1': Wind_Speed();  break;
      case '2': Wind_Storm();  break;	  
	  case '3': Microbursts(); break;
      case '4': View_Wind();   break;
      case '5':			       break;
      default: cout << '\a';

  }while( selection != '5' );

	return 0;
}//end main()

//Function definitions
void Wind_Speed()

	  int i = 0;
	  int Max_Seconds = 3600;
	  ofstream wind;
	  cout << " |---- dilmer valecillos [cs1600-001] ----|" << endl;
	  cout << "\n\n  Enter the average of wind speed (mhp) : " ;
	  cin  >> Avg_Wind;
	  cout << "\n  Enter high gusts range (mhp) : " ;
	  cin  >> High_Gust;
	  cout << "\n  Enter low gusts range (mhp) : " ;
	  cin  >> Low_Gust;

	  Upper_Limit = Avg_Wind + High_Gust;
	  Lower_Limit = Avg_Wind + Low_Gust;	

	  wind.setf(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint); // set formats in the file
	  cout.setf(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint); // set formats to display on the screen
	  for (i = 0; i <= Max_Seconds; i++) // seconds from 0 to max_seconds which is 3600 seconds or an hour
	   	Avg_Wind = rand_float (Upper_Limit, Lower_Limit);
		if ( ( i % 10 ) == 0 )

		wind << setw(4) << i << "   " << Avg_Wind << endl; // Write all the data to a file called wind.dat
		cout << setw(4) << i << "   " << Avg_Wind << " " << Make_Stars ( (int) Avg_Wind) << endl;// outputs the histogram and info to the screen


void Wind_Storm()//Option 2

	  int i = 0;
	  int Max_Seconds = 3600;
	  //int Storm_In;
	  int Storm_Time = 300;

	  ofstream wind;
	  cout << " |---- dilmer valecillos [cs1600-001] ----|" << endl;
	  cout << "\n\n  Enter the average of wind speed (mhp) : " ;
	  cin  >> Avg_Wind;
	  cout << "\n  Enter high gusts range (mhp) : " ;
	  cin  >> High_Gust;
	  cout << "\n  Enter low gusts range (mhp) : " ;
	  cin  >> Low_Gust;
	  //cout << "\n  Enter storm probability (%) : ";
	  //cin  >> Storm_In;

	  Upper_Limit = Avg_Wind + High_Gust;
	  Lower_Limit = Low_Gust;	

	  wind.setf(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint); // set formats in the file
	  cout.setf(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint); // set formats to display on the screen
	  for (i = 0; i <= Max_Seconds; i++) // seconds from 0 to max_seconds which is 3600 seconds or an hour

		Avg_Wind = rand_float (Upper_Limit, Lower_Limit);

		if ( ( i % 10 ) == 0 )

		wind << setw(4) << i << "   " << Avg_Wind << endl; // Write all the data to a file called wind.dat
		cout << setw(4) << i << "   " << Small_Storm(Avg_Wind) << " " << Make_Stars ( (int) Avg_Wind) << endl;// outputs the histogram and info to the screen

void Microbursts()//Option 3

	  int i = 0;
	  int Max_Seconds = 3600;

	  ofstream wind;
	  cout << " |---- dilmer valecillos [cs1600-001] ----|" << endl;
	  cout << "\n\n  Enter the average of wind speed (mhp) : " ;
	  cin  >> Avg_Wind;
	  cout << "\n  Enter high gusts range (mhp) : " ;
	  cin  >> High_Gust;
	  cout << "\n  Enter low gusts range (mhp) : " ;
	  cin  >> Low_Gust;

	  Upper_Limit = Avg_Wind + High_Gust;
	  Lower_Limit = Avg_Wind + Low_Gust;	

	  wind.setf(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint); // set formats in the file
	  cout.setf(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint); // set formats to display on the screen
	  for (i = 0; i <= Max_Seconds; i++) // seconds from 0 to max_seconds which is 3600 seconds or an hour

		if ( ( i % 10 ) == 0 )

		wind << setw(4) << i << "   " << Avg_Wind << endl; // Write all the data to a file called wind.dat
		cout << setw(4) << i << "   " << Microburst(Avg_Wind) << " " << Make_Stars ( (int) Avg_Wind) << endl;// outputs the histogram and info to the screen

void View_Wind()
	int seconds; // since the first column is a whole number i declate it as a int
	double Wind_Speed; // the wind result in the second column has decimals so it must be a double number

	ifstream read_file; //to read info from a file

	read_file.open("wind.dat"); // to open the file for reading 

	read_file  >>  seconds >> Wind_Speed; // read first and second column in this case seconds and wind speed 

	while (! read_file.eof()) // read the data until the end of the file

	read_file  >>  seconds >> Wind_Speed; // read the first column and the second colum of the file 
	cout << setw(4) << seconds << "  " << Wind_Speed <<  endl; // show the info on the screen with a width of 4 		
	read_file.close(); // close the file

double rand_float (double a, double b)

	return ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX ) * (b - a) + a;

string Make_Stars (int result) // Histogram Function 

	int i;
	string Stars;

	for ( i = 1; i <= Avg_Wind; i++)
		Stars += "*";

	return Stars;

double Small_Storm ( double Storm ) //Returns a value and Adds 10 mph to the Average for five minutes of Storm
	int Storm_Time = 300;
    for ( int x = 0; x < Storm_Time; x++)
	return Avg_Wind = rand_float (Upper_Limit + 10, Lower_Limit + 10);


double Microburst ( double result )


	int Time = 60;
	for ( int x = 0; x < Time; x++)
	return Avg_Wind = rand_float (Upper_Limit + 25, Lower_Limit + 25);
