Hi guys. I am having a problem with a project for my Computer Science class. The basic program works but I am having trouble getting the output the professor asked for. Here is my source code:

using namespace std;

#define clear() cout << (char)(27) << '[' << '?' << '3' << 'l';
#define cur_yx(y,x) cout << (char)(27) << '[' << y << ';' << x << 'H';
  int start, end, sum, square, sum_cubes, sum_terms, cubes_terms;
  cout<<"Input Series Start Here: ";
cout<<"Input Series End Here: ";
    sum_terms = start, start++;

    cubes_terms = start*start*start;
  sum = (((0.5)*(end*end)) + (0.5*end));
  square = sum * sum;
  sum_cubes = (end*(end + 1) / 2) * (end*(end + 1) / 2);
  cout<<"Sum = "<<start<<" + "<<sum_terms++<<" = "<<sum<<endl;
  cout<<"Square of Sum = "<<square<<endl<<endl;
  cout<<"Sum of Series Terms Cubes = "<<cubes_terms<<" = "<<sum_cubes<<endl<<en\

As I said, the main program works. It calculates the sum, square and sum of the cubes. However, the professor has asked for a specific output. He wants the output to say the following:

For example, if the two integers were 1 and 3, the output should

Sum = 1+ 2 + 3 = 6
Square of Sum = 36

Square of Cubes = 1 + 8 + 27 = 36

What I am having trouble with is how to get the program to output 1+2+3 or 1+8+27 along with the answer, which in this is 36. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.